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  • User documentation for NodeBB

    44 Topics
    44 Posts
    Jay MoonahJ
    One of the first important things to do after setting up NodeBB is to set up an emailer plugin. While NodeBB does include a local emailer, if your forum is particularly active we recommend using an third-party emailer such as SendGrid which provides better deliverability for sites that send a high volume of email. Setting up SendGrid in NodeBB is very easy. Open the administrative dashboard using the 'gear' icon on your forum. Open the Extend > Plugins menu, and select the Find Plugins tab. Use the search on the right. Type 'SendGrid' and the plugin should appear -- select Install when you see it. From Installed tab on the Plugins menu, search again for 'SendGrid' and select Activate. Activating the plugin will require a restart of your forum. To restart, select the Dashboard menu and press the Restart button to the right. After NodeBB restarts, the SendGrid plugin will be active. After you restart, there should be a item called Emailer (SendGrid) under the Plugins menu -- if you don't see this right away, try refreshing your browser. Sign up to SendGrid Go to the SendGrid website, open the pricing page and scroll to the bottom. Click on the link and create your free account. Once you've confirmed your SendGrid account via email, you should be able to login to the SendGrid website. On the left side of your SendGrid dashboard, open Settings and click on API Keys. Click the button in the top right to create a new key. Make sure that the key has Full Access for Send Mail and Alerts.  When you are done, the new key to your clipboard. Now, return to the SendGrid menu on your NodeBB admin panel. Paste the API key into the field, and save your changes. Now go back to the Dashboard to restart your forum one more time. SendGrid should now be working for your forum. [image: youtubelogo.png] Setting up SendGrid mailer for NodeBB
  • NodeBB guides, how-to's and general tips and tricks

    83 Topics
    601 Posts
    not sure the plugin worked for firefox. saw a-z in the sort icon. when i used it, i expected the topics in the category would be sorted a-z. they werent
  • 25 Topics
    201 Posts
    I think you answered my point, by agreeing there are issues. I didn't even attempt to deploy nodebb, I had problems with much smaller projects! Nextjs routing was going through a change of design at the time, so perhaps that is less confusing now, but there were multiple other headaches. I would get build errors and issues with package management.
  • Upgrading from v1.7.x

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Do you not have npm installed? What version of node?
  • NodeBB with Apereo Central Authentication Service (CAS)

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Recently we decided to switch to NodeBB from phpBB. We could successfully install nodeBB, however we are using Central Authentication Service (CAS) by Apereo and it is mandate to connect nodeBB with this. Are there any tutorials/ plugin links available for this? I came across However there is no steps on how to connect CAS to nodeBB. Please suggest.
  • NodeBB forum pages hang on all browsers

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    What logs are you looking at? Try loading a page while watching ./nodebb log. Also, try running ./nodebb build and restarting.
  • Selecting badges

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @PitaJ it seems I cant find the "edit profile" link anywhere on our forum (might be an issue with the theme/skin thats currently applied). I can access this manually however so that will do the trick. Thanks a lot. I'm not sure if I can mark it as solved myself but that has resolved my issue for the time being. Thank you
  • Composer help modal window

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @MJ thx bro) very helpful. Now is ok.
  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
  • Recent cards need to change something. how?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    I installed this plugin. and want this plugins to work with colors. [image: ClfnLQa.jpg] [image: z4mAyWH.png] Will be good if at this cards will be COLORS like at 2 screenshot. Or how to hide symbols at recent cards like this ~[ to be shown "Some example text" instead of "~[some example text]~" Or colors.. or hide this symbols. What i need to do?
  • plugin-ns-points

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    This plugin does not workin at all. My system is - NodeBB 1.10.1 / mongodb Points does not show at page /points and i cant see it at profile. [image: 10p9P3V.png] I dont know why this dont workin and why here i see guest with 0 points. I created topics.. writed messages but i didnt get points. Tested version 4 - and at /points was all empty Now at version 5 of plugin i get this (at screenshot) and at profile no info. What i supposed to do? or plugin does not workin at 1.10.1 ? @Nicolas does plugin support 1.10.1 ?
  • Ban bugs

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Actually quite a nice system. Otherwise you would need to either check regularly if a ban has expired and thus probably do a lot of unnecessary checks, or you would need to predict when the next ban expiration will be and thus probably introduce a lot of bugs with the prediction code. What might be interesting is a feature request, to not show the flag if the expiration has happened. I assume the flag is stored with a timestamp for when the ban will expire. Thus it should be possible to filter it out when displayed. But actually remove it when the user logs in.
  • Cannot connect to my nodebb on local host.

    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    @Apollo what was the issue?
  • Write API plugin crashes v1.10.1 when API is called

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @Julian-H-Lam , what am I doing wrong here? Is this format correct?
  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
  • NodeBB starts only in development mode, log gives no clues as to why

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Bruno BarberaB
    Hello, after a server reset NodeBB doesn't start regularly anymore. using ./nodebb -l --log-level verbose start I get 2018-08-03T07:00:55.445Z [32024] - verbose: * using configuration stored in: /var/www/html/ Starting NodeBB with logging output Hit Ctrl-C to exit The NodeBB process will continue to run in the background Use "./nodebb stop" to stop the NodeBB server 2018-07-29T20:35:45.659Z [1479] - info: Routes added 2018-07-29T20:35:45.663Z [1479] - info: NodeBB Ready 2018-07-29T20:35:45.666Z [1479] - info: Enabling 'trust proxy' 2018-07-29T20:35:45.673Z [1479] - info: NodeBB is now listening on: 2018-07-29T20:58:31.312Z [1479] - info: [app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised. 2018-07-29T20:58:31.313Z [1479] - info: [app] Web server closed to connections. 2018-07-29T20:59:38.440Z [1479] - info: [app] Database connection closed. 2018-07-29T20:59:38.441Z [1479] - info: [app] Shutdown complete. [cluster] Child Process (1479) has exited (code: 0, signal: null) Log doesn't have any traces of malfunctioning plugins or the likes. Running a ./nodebb -d start I get this: 2018-08-03T07:02:56.411Z [32535] - verbose: * using configuration stored in: /var/www/html/ NodeBB v1.10.1 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For the full license, please visit: Clustering enabled: Spinning up 1 process(es). 2018-08-03T07:02:57.812Z [32555] - info: Initializing NodeBB v1.10.1 2018-08-03T07:02:57.816Z [32555] - verbose: * using redis store at 2018-08-03T07:02:57.817Z [32555] - verbose: * using themes stored in: /var/www/html/ 2018-08-03T07:03:00.048Z [32555] - verbose: [minifier] utilizing a maximum of 1 additional threads 2018-08-03T07:03:00.084Z [32555] - verbose: Checking dependencies for outdated modules 2018-08-03T07:03:00.806Z [32555] - verbose: [notifications.init] Registering jobs. 2018-08-03T07:03:00.808Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] (Re-)starting user jobs... 2018-08-03T07:03:00.810Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] Starting job (digest.daily) 2018-08-03T07:03:00.812Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] Starting job (digest.weekly) 2018-08-03T07:03:00.814Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] Starting job (digest.monthly) 2018-08-03T07:03:00.815Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] Starting job (reset.clean) 2018-08-03T07:03:00.815Z [32555] - verbose: [user/jobs] 4 jobs started 2018-08-03T07:03:00.816Z [32555] - verbose: [emailer] Setting up SMTP fallback transport 2018-08-03T07:03:00.869Z [32555] - verbose: [emailer] Built custom email templates 2018-08-03T07:03:00.870Z [32555] - info: [themes] Using theme nodebb-theme-persona 2018-08-03T07:03:00.871Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Initializing plugins system 2018-08-03T07:03:00.880Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-composer-default 2018-08-03T07:03:00.925Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-markdown 2018-08-03T07:03:01.026Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-mentions 2018-08-03T07:03:01.030Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-widget-essentials 2018-08-03T07:03:01.034Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-rewards-essentials 2018-08-03T07:03:01.035Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Found 3 sound file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-soundpack-default 2018-08-03T07:03:01.036Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-soundpack-default 2018-08-03T07:03:01.136Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-emoji 2018-08-03T07:03:01.163Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-emoji-android 2018-08-03T07:03:01.166Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-redactor-center 2018-08-03T07:03:01.310Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-dbsearch 2018-08-03T07:03:01.548Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-emailer-mailgun 2018-08-03T07:03:01.691Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-ns-embed 2018-08-03T07:03:01.696Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone 2018-08-03T07:03:01.713Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-sso-facebook 2018-08-03T07:03:01.733Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter 2018-08-03T07:03:01.735Z [32555] - info: [plugins] Plugins OK 2018-08-03T07:03:01.735Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] static:assets.prepare 2018-08-03T07:03:01.736Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] static:app.preload 2018-08-03T07:03:01.736Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] filter:hotswap.prepare 2018-08-03T07:03:01.781Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] static:app.load 2018-08-03T07:03:01.816Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] action:markdown.updateParserRules 2018-08-03T07:03:01.825Z [32555] - info: [plugins/spam-be-gone] Settings loaded 3/8 09:03 [32555] - verbose: [plugins/embed] Updating rules... 3/8 09:03 [32555] - verbose: [plugins/embed] Updating rule list, total rules: 0 2018-08-03T07:03:01.828Z [32555] - verbose: [hotswap] Router with id plugins replaced successfully 2018-08-03T07:03:01.828Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins] All plugins reloaded and rerouted 2018-08-03T07:03:01.829Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] filter:auth.init 2018-08-03T07:03:01.842Z [32555] - verbose: [hotswap] Router with id auth replaced successfully 2018-08-03T07:03:01.843Z [32555] - info: Routes added 2018-08-03T07:03:01.854Z [32555] - verbose: [meta/blacklist] Loading 0 blacklist rule(s) 2018-08-03T07:03:01.855Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] filter:flags.getFilters 2018-08-03T07:03:01.855Z [32555] - info: NodeBB Ready 2018-08-03T07:03:01.859Z [32555] - verbose: [plugins/fireHook] action:nodebb.ready 2018-08-03T07:03:01.860Z [32555] - info: Enabling 'trust proxy' 2018-08-03T07:03:01.873Z [32555] - info: NodeBB is now listening on: and everything seems fine. Any ideas?
  • Playing embedded video does not work on mobile chrome/safari

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @PitaJ thank you for looking into this. I did reset my phone settings, and the error is still there. Maybe its a glitch on the network. I'll retry tomorrow.
  • Flags / reported (delete flags)

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Hi all! I have one problem. How to delete FLAGS from database? Example - i flagged someone but want to delete flag (at profile to be 0 flags). Now if i report someone and report was wrong - at profile will be 1 flag.. this is bad and sad.
  • Facebook sso - essentials

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @Macrow-Willson said in Facebook sso - essentials: yeah, i tried that too, renders the forum inaccessible since it doesn't return encrypted http, obviously. Not really obviously. The URL in your config.json should be the one you're using publicly. Thus whatever your Apache reverse proxy is configured for. The configuration is used to create the URLs on your site. It has no impact on the actual communication with your reverse proxy. My hunch is, you also need to remove that port. Because your Apache reverse proxy probably is providing your site over the standard HTTPS port. So it probably is just Also don't change anything about your reverse proxy configuration when you change this url parameter. Your reverse proxy still fetches the forum over HTTP at the port 4567. This has nothing to do with the url parameter.
  • How to delete theme? duplicate error

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    i installed new themes (based at persona) and deleted it. And now at my theme list i see 2 persona themes instead of one. If i delete persona theme - remains only 1 persona theme at theme list BUT i cant activate it. I tried to see folders at node_modules and i dont see any persona theme. When i copy persona theme from my PC into node_modules - FTP send me alert that some files in nodebb-theme-persona exists (rewrite it?) But this folder DOES NOT exist. How i can delete persona theme and install without duplicate? Here my theme list. [image: snhAbGt.png]
  • Can't find SSO settings

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Macrow WillsonM
    found it: needs ./nodebb build needs to open dev console to flush cache
  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
  • Persona theme need some tweaks

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    And slick theme have some bugs. ![image: ofG9jKg.png] i need this yellow line to be like line at top.. or post to be boxed (to see where post begins and where ends). Here as u see - post have not top border and design are broken.