Tonight I set aside some time to listen to @[email protected] on @[email protected]'s DotSocial podcast.
A lot a lot a lot of what John says mirrors the very same potential that many ActivityPub devs see as well. There are far too many points in that podcast that made me nod my head in agreement (and wish I was a third guest too!), but there was one that was incredibly timely:
Mike: ... you've been thinking about actually embedding the whole article in the ActivityPub post, which is a mind-blowing thing... it's not a link to something else... the whole article is in the post.
John: Yes, this is something that makes perfect sense but is somehow completely new, which is weird...
Mike: You can have formatted text... images? video?
John: ActivityPub is fairly agnostic, you could in theory shove almost anything into it. The question is what is the client on the other side prepared to receive? Do they have some way to display it?
John: If we get platforms in the ActivityPub network to start innovating with content types, it might cause those things to be adopted and it might drive the standard and what it is possible to display
Emphasis mine.
John, Mike, this is almost word-for-word exactly what the Forum and Threaded Discussions working group has been working towards! The main problem is we need buy-in from implementers to push this forward.
We can do this, we can send richer HTML across the protocol in such a way that all those things you two mentioned — in-line images, embedded videos, tables, etc. — can all show up as intended by the sender.
We've got commitment from (but not limited to) representatives from NodeBB, Discourse, and WordPress, and having Ghost and Flipboard sign on would help push this forward just that much more.
Let's do this, let me get you caught up with the state of the protocol re: the Article object type. Let's chat (but publicly, since I can't receive DMs here on NodeBB).
Hello everyone, I am using NodeBB to build a Facebook-like social media platform, displayed in a newsfeed format. The interface will be custom-coded and will call NodeBB's API for display. Currently, I notice that the topic API doesn't seem to have a content preview section, or maybe I haven't found it yet. Could you please assist me in figuring out how to display it?
Im not sure if this something that is not working, in v4?
Curious as seeing a pattern, of no images in opening posts.
For example:
I am following a photographer and in his World posts when he says
I took a photo of (whatever) etc
There is no photo attached to any of his initial posts.
[image: 1725204765000-1000024263.jpg]
when you land in the users chat url
there are no chat opens by default, and you see a message
You have no active chats.
I want to change that, and if you land on that url, you get the latest chat open by default (this can be acchieved by opening the latest chat on that url, or redirecting to the latest chat url)
How can I get this done?
Quite a few users of my forum ask me if it is possible to integrate public rooms into the home page.
So, I'm making a request here, do you think it's possible to integrate the all chats page into a NodeBB Widgets @baris @julian ?
This would be a great feature even if it were offered as an option like the chat modal.
Hi all,
This is just a notification that there will be no ForumWG meeting this month due to end of summer holidays and personal reasons.
Hope to resume again in October!
@[email protected] @[email protected] can you please update the SocialCG calendar to reflect the canceled event?
It seems Anandtech is closing up shop after 27 years of coverage — simply astounding.
One interesting thing they included in their farewell:
The AnandTech Forums will also continue to be operated by Future’s community team and our dedicated troop of moderators. With forum threads going back to 1999 (and some active members just as long), the forums have a history almost as long and as storied as AnandTech itself (wounded monitor children, anyone?). So even when AnandTech is no longer publishing articles, we’ll still have a place for everyone to talk about the latest in technology – and have those discussions last longer than 48 hours.
Emphasis mine.
That single phrase is one of the reasons why we started NodeBB and continue with it today. The social media landscape is rife with hot takes and expressions of opinion that last a mere days before it is pushed aside to make way for new content. It's by design and a part of the reason why the web seems so much shallower now than it did even a decade ago.
Admittedly, it's what a lot of people want, and the last thing I want to do is to say that you're "using the web wrong", but there are a significant number of people who want to use the web to have real, genuine, long-term discussions with other human beings, and the best way to do that is with a forum.
With ActivityPub integration, we're hoping to extend that olive branch into a fediverse mostly inhabited by a microblogging software.
Goodbye Anandtech, you will be missed!
I think the Nodebb federation efforts are great, and in long run will really pay off.
I know the scope was not for Nodebb to be a fully fledged chat client, but in principle should I be able to chat with people I follow on other networks?
Currently I can correspond in posts, but direct chat button throws 'API error'
[image: 1724841957378-1000007775.jpg]
I had this issue a couple of years ago, when I was maintaining a site and away without a computer and only had mobile access.
The issue is still there today so I'm asking that its considered / addressed?
On mobile there is no way to drag the HMTL box over on the widget panel.
It has to be done on a desktop, as cant even do on mobile browser in Desktop mode.
You cant always pre-empt changes, and for example I am travelling for a week and cant add any topic.tpl widget without getting access to a computer.
If the widget ACP interface could be reworked so it can be set-up without Desktop drag-and-drop it would be better.
I encountered this issue before but have forgotten how I got round it. The menu doesn't work as expected.
I have a widget, I want it to show on say topic 13 under category 17
i put both of those numbers in the category.tpl widget setting and the widget doesn't show anywhere.
I did also try just putting the topic number and leaving category blank, but that doesn't show it either?
However it does show if I just put category 17, and then leave topic blank, and it shows on every page in that category
[image: 1724577457559-widgetsettings.png]
Hello everybody,
nodebb newbie here and I couldn't find how to do what I want.
I'd like to set privileges for guest users as this : can see category, see topic title, but can't see what's in the post.
Is that even possible ? Or Do I need any plugin ?
Thanks a lot for your answers, and sorry, I searched on the forum but I guess I'm using the wrong keywords.
I know its possible to put html & javascript in a widget and have that run, but is there a way to do that in a post?
One example of where I might want to do that is; I created a mini-quiz on classmarker, who give embed links
Can I put that in a post?
The format of the embed link is below
<script src="
I made a plugin to hide links to guest:
I hope it will be helpfull to anybody who needs it.
In the next version the extension will have configurations in the admnistration panel to hide more stuff other than links.
Starting NodeBB 3.8.4 in Node.js 22.6.0 gives the following error:
(node:261775) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
I would like to know if this can be resolved, or if you will fix this in a new release.
Hello @baris @julian
XenForo has a feature in the core which is very interesting and which is excellent which is the following: Discouragement and discipline of the user
In particular, it allows the home page to take half an hour to load for trolls, to point links anywhere, etc.
-- Here are some other options preview:
loading delay numbers and seconds): Discouraged users will be subject to a page loading delay of a random period in between
The blank page of the unlucky:
You can occasionally present a blank slate to discouraged users. Enter the percentage of
chance for this to happen
Flood multiplier: The standard minimum time between messages can be multiplied to make users wait longer
discouraged between two publications. Enter a multiplier here.
Search Disruptor: When discouraged users attempt to search, this option sets the percentage chance that they
find it disabled, (O = never, 100 = always)
Random Redirect: Enter the percentage chance that a discouraged user will be redirected to the redirect page.
Redirect Page URL: You can randomly redirect discouraged users to another page. Leave this field Blank to redirect
to the forum home page.
Add User Group for Banned: When a user is banned, they can be added to a specific user group while the ban is
active. This allows you to override the cfusers group style, for example.
Send reports in the forum: If a forum is selected here, the report center will be disabled and a topic will be displayed each time content
will be reported.
[image: 1724250954396-3b50122a-d4b9-4395-835d-4bc70cde8485-image.png]
It would be super cool to have this kind of thing in NodeBB core (or as a plugin) or something close to it. In any case, it would be very useful to me and I'm sure I'm not the only one
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