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  • A place to talk about whatever you want

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    You would need to create new routes in your plugin like so helpers.setupPageRoute('/:groupslug/:userslug', middlewares, function (req, res, next) { // todo: get uid of user using req.params.userslug // todo: check if user is member of req.params.groupslug // todo: render account template with all data }); You can take a look at the core user routes on how to do most of this stuff.
  • Stay tuned here to hear more about new releases and features of NodeBB!

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    @phenomlab Glad to hear it! I updated the service worker so that when it is sent to the browser, it indicates that it is to immediately replace the existing worker, so hopefully my changes should be reflected quicker.
  • You have a cool idea about NodeBB? Post it here.

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    'Course I think it calls for as an approach, the harmonisation of the topic post navigator for mobile devices with the bottom progress bar and pop-up post cycle preview cycle into the fruit machine way, right now it's like a mini version of the topic itself but with desktop timeline scroll, ultimately so many different things kinda doing the same thing differently if ya dig?
  • Discussion regarding NodeBB Plugin development.

    2k Topics
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    You could use the below custom javascript, it will open the last chat if there is no open chat. $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', async () => { const { data } = ajaxify; if (data.template.chats && !data.template.roomId && data.rooms.length) { const Chats = await app.require('forum/chats'); Chats.switchChat(data.rooms[0].roomId); } });
  • A public listing of community themes created by the NodeBB community.
    48 Topics
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    It looks like the discussion content in this topics has become outdated, so should I refer to the docs site directly instead? I want to customize the default home page and post detail page, which involves layout and style customization, so, am I correct to develop a new theme for this?
  • Need help with installing or configuring NodeBB? Look here.

    5k Topics
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    This is my cURL curl --location --request DELETE '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_ BEARER_TOKEN' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "_uid": 13, "delta": -1, "_csrf": "MY_CSRF" }' This above api is responding Forbidden curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' --form 'files=@"clouds.jpg"' --form '_uid="0"' This upload api responding as below { "path": "/api/admin/upload/file", "error": "[[error:api.master-token-no-uid]]", "bodyClass": "page-admin page-admin-upload page-admin-file page-status-500 theme-persona user-guest" }
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