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  • A place to talk about whatever you want

    4k Topics
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    @ultranurd oh wow! Lots to catch up on, then!! As an artist, he’s really multifaceted. There’s a lot of experimentation and crossing of genres.
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    3k Topics
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    The ability to arbitrarily and retroactively remove all traces of yourself from a discussion you had in public, via a quasi-persistent medium has always felt to me like a violation of everyone else in the discussion, but I, too, come from the forum space, where you just don’t do that. The microblogging space doesn’t seem to care, and the microblogging space currently dominates fedi. It kind of feels like a culture clash to me, and one of many reasons why forum-fedi and masto-fedi probably don’t need a whole lot of cross-over. I know there are safety concerns around harassment campaigns and the like, and things should change and evolve in response to stuff like that. And it’s not at all clear to me how something like this interacts with the EU’s Right to be Forgotten. But forum users posting on forums, though distributed, are much less likely to be a disruption to those forums than masto users who don’t even know that they’re posting on forums, while behaving in ways that are normal for their space.
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    823 Topics
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    Just my opinion but I can't see the use of seeing list of things Ive already read, and >99% of people wouldnt use it. Its better as a plugin (if required), because no point to make Core more complex with rarely (or never) used features. Any hours spent developing that would be 100x better spent on the 'elephant in the room' email signup issues.
  • Discussion regarding NodeBB Plugin development.

    2k Topics
    15k Posts
    I Need to impliment the saml in my nodebb forum and i have created a plugin for that and im getting the response of the saml on my code but i'm not able to do the user login or signup with that, i have confussion on that what hook's or plugin i need to use to make that login or signup work. i'm also sharing my code so that you can help better. @baris @julian'/assert', async function (req, res) { const decodedResponse = Buffer.from(req.body.SAMLResponse, 'base64').toString('utf-8'); const parser = new xml2js.Parser(); const saml_response = await parser.parseStringPromise(decodedResponse); const issuer = saml_response['saml2p:Response']['saml2:Issuer'][0]; const assertion = saml_response['saml2p:Response']['saml2:Assertion'][0]; const subject = assertion['saml2:Subject'][0]; const nameId = subject['saml2:NameID'][0]; const existingUser = await User.getUidByEmail(nameId._); if (existingUser) { await authenticationController.onSuccessfulLogin(req, existingUser.uid); return res.redirect('/home'); } else { // Create a new user const newUser = { fullname: 'testfullname', username: 'testfullname', email: nameId._, created_at: new Date(), }; const result = await db.client.collection('objects').insertOne(newUser); if (result.insertedId) { await User.setUserField(result.insertedId, 'email',; // await UserEmail.confirmByUid(result.insertedId); await authenticationController.onSuccessfulLogin(req, result.insertedId); return res.redirect('/'); } else { return res.status(500).send('Error creating new user.'); } } });
  • A public listing of community themes created by the NodeBB community.
    48 Topics
    1k Posts
    It looks like the discussion content in this topics has become outdated, so should I refer to the docs site directly instead? I want to customize the default home page and post detail page, which involves layout and style customization, so, am I correct to develop a new theme for this?
  • Need help with installing or configuring NodeBB? Look here.

    5k Topics
    27k Posts
    @baris not seen this on any new uploads and I'm running the latest version. I'll get the results of the console.log ASAP.
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