Hover Cards - nodebb-plugin-cards
Re: [nodebb-plugin-cards] Show cards when hovering over user links!
Hi All,
With this plugin enabled, I get the below error message in the console, and it doesn't seem to work
main.js:37 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'test' of undefined at HTMLAnchorElement.u (main.js:37) at HTMLAnchorElement.handle (jquery.js:5895) at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5430) at HTMLBodyElement.m.handle (jquery.js:5234)
This event triggers each time on hover. I'm running the latest version of NodeBB
Any ideas ? Seems to stem from
@baris Actually, on checking this and making the required modifications, it still shows the same error ? Have replaced the
file with the revised one innodebb-modules
then rebuilt and restarted, but the error still exists. -
@baris said in Hover Cards - nodebb-plugin-cards:
What does it show in the browser console tab when you click the error? Does it show the new code?
No, it shows the old code, which is odd because in the
directory, I see the correct versionIn the console, I see
If it shows the correct version on disk, but not in your browser, then it must be some cache along the way. Restart NodeBB, try a different browser entirely, etc
@pitaj said in Hover Cards - nodebb-plugin-cards:
If it shows the correct version on disk, but not in your browser, then it must be some cache along the way. Restart NodeBB, try a different browser entirely, etc
I'd usually agree, but it's the same issue on different browsers (with multiple NodeBB restarts), and even different machines
@pitaj @baris I do see this in the console
Error minifying node_modules/nodebb-plugin-cards2/public/js/main.js SyntaxError: Unexpected token: punc ()) at JS_Parse_Error.get (eval at <anonymous> (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/uglify-es/tools/node.js:21:1), <anonymous>:75:23) at minifyAndSave (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/meta/minifier.js:242:90) at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/meta/minifier.js:213:3 at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:248:13 at wrapper (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:268:20) at iterateeCallback (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:421:28) at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:321:20 at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:245:17 at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/meta/minifier.js:202:4 at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:123:16
@baris said in Hover Cards - nodebb-plugin-cards:
I fixed a typo in the PR https://github.com/Schamper/nodebb-plugin-cards/pull/11/commits/31df0c9b782bcb313e31d27c7a72ca253aa3e96d
Apply that rebuild & restart, try again.@baris This works as intended. Thanks
update removed socket method and use api module by barisusakli · Pull Request #13 · Schamper/nodebb-plugin-cards
also use alerts module, app.alertSucces/Error etc are deprecated
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