Couldn't set default admin username and password in config.json
I have tried using the above command, but not succeeded..
./nodebb setup '{"url":"http://localhost:4567","secret":" 92b094a0-f72b-45d9-9640-243de540012d","database":"mongo","port":"4567","mongo":{"host":"","port":27017,"username":"","password":"","database":"nodebb","uri":"mongodb://"},"setup":{"admin:username":"admin_vsv","admin:password":"Password@1","admin:password:confirm":"Test@123","admin:email":""}}' 2021-01-06T10:44:19.246Z [6623] - info: NodeBB Setup Triggered via Command Line Welcome to NodeBB v1.13.3! This looks like a new installation, so you'll have to answer a few questions about your environment before we can proceed. Press enter to accept the default setting (shown in brackets). 2021-01-06T10:44:19.253Z [6623] - error: Invalid json in nconf.get('setup'), ignoring setup values 2021-01-06T10:44:19.254Z [6623] - error: Required values are missing for automated setup: 2021-01-06T10:44:19.254Z [6623] - error: admin:username 2021-01-06T10:44:19.254Z [6623] - error: admin:password 2021-01-06T10:44:19.255Z [6623] - error: admin:password:confirm 2021-01-06T10:44:19.255Z [6623] - error: admin:email
Thanks for your quick response.I tried the below command
./nodebb app --setup="{\\\"url\\\":\\\"http:\\/\\/localhost:4567\\\",\\\"secret\\\":\\\" 92b094a0-f72b-45d9-9640-243de540012d\\\",\\\"database\\\":\\\"mongo\\\",\\\"port\\\":\\\"4567\\\",\\\"mongo\\\":{\\\"host\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"port\\\":27017,\\\"username\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"password\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"database\\\":\\\"nodebb\\\",\\\"uri\\\":\\\"mongodb:\\/\\/\\\"},\\\"setup\\\":{\\\"admin:username\\\":\\\"admin_vsv\\\",\\\"admin:password\\\":\\\"Password@1\\\",\\\"admin:password:confirm\\\":\\\"Test@123\\\",\\\"admin:email\\\":\\\"\\\"}}" 2021-01-06T15:38:22.528Z [24887] - info: Launching web installer on port 4567 2021-01-06T15:38:24.048Z [24887] - info: Web installer listening on
I got stuck at web installer. We have to manually feed the information again in web page
But our requirement is we should able to setup through jenkins command shell.
@vinu you want
node app --setup
, not./nodebb app --setup
@pitaj I am getting
vinu@tilap330-vinu:~/Projects/nodebb$ node app --setup="{\\\"url\\\":\\\"http:\\/\\/localhost:4567\\\",\\\"secret\\\":\\\" 92b094a0-f72b-45d9-9640-243de540012d\\\",\\\"database\\\":\\\"mongo\\\",\\\"port\\\":\\\"4567\\\",\\\"mongo\\\":{\\\"host\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"port\\\":27017,\\\"username\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"password\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"database\\\":\\\"nodebb\\\",\\\"uri\\\":\\\"mongodb:\\/\\/\\\"},\\\"setup\\\":{\\\"admin:username\\\":\\\"admin_vsv\\\",\\\"admin:password\\\":\\\"Password@1\\\",\\\"admin:password:confirm\\\":\\\"Test@123\\\",\\\"admin:email\\\":\\\"\\\"}}" 2021-01-06T16:45:09.311Z [undefined/31941] - info: NodeBB v1.13.3 Copyright (C) 2013-2021 NodeBB Inc. 2021-01-06T16:45:09.312Z [undefined/31941] - info: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 2021-01-06T16:45:09.313Z [undefined/31941] - info: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. 2021-01-06T16:45:09.313Z [undefined/31941] - info: 2021-01-06T16:45:09.646Z [31941] - info: NodeBB Setup Triggered via Command Line Welcome to NodeBB v1.13.3! This looks like a new installation, so you'll have to answer a few questions about your environment before we can proceed. Press enter to accept the default setting (shown in brackets). 2021-01-06T16:45:09.650Z [31941] - error: Invalid json in nconf.get('setup'), ignoring setup values URL used to access this NodeBB (http://localhost:4567) (node:31941) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
It says pretty clearly that the json you provided is invalid. I don't know what to tell you.
@pitaj Not sure what is the valid JSON to be added here.
As per @baris comment as commented above, I started using json by escaping.
I am using below JSON. Please correct me how can we use the below JSON in setup command
{ "url": "", "secret": "123456-eb70-4605-kkerg-720752bc4aca", "setup": { "admin:username": "adminvsv", "admin:password": "Password@123", "admin:password:confirm": "Password@123", "admin:email": "" }, "database": "mongo", "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "", "password": "", "database": "nodebb" } }
I think it's because you're escaping the forward-slashes. To make it easier, you can do this in your browser console to output what should go in the shell command:
JSON.stringify(<obj>).replace(/"/g, '\\"')
Let me know if that works for you
@PitaJ @vinu
I am using the above command what you mention in the post for nodebb setupnode app --setup="{\"url\":\"\",\"secret\":\"123456-eb70-4605-kkerg-720752bc4aca\",\"admin:username\":\"venkat\",\"admin:password\":\"Test@123\",\"admin:password:confirm\":\"Test@123\",\"admin:email\":\"\",\"database\":\"mongo\",\"mongo\":{\"host\":\"\",\"port\":\"27017\",\"username\":\"\",\"password\":\"\",\"database\":\"nodebb\"}}"
but I am unable perform login what ever the login details adding in the json string. It is always giving invalid credentials.
can you help me on that -
@venkat what was the output of that command? NodeBB starts up fine?