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NodeBB Development

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  • Posts from the NodeBB Development Blog
    96 Topics
    778 Posts

    Occasionally, we will get asked whether there are any differences between our hosted service and the open source project.

    It is as though we are holding back some great features and only allowing our paying customers access them! Conversely, it could be assumed that because we are hosting the software for others, that we would somehow out of self-interest or for economic reasons, deliver an inferior version with limitations.

    I'd like to say upfront that this is not the case for NodeBB.

    When you use our hosted service, you receive the same great NodeBB software that you can get for free off of our GitHub repository.

    What we're selling is support, maintenance, upgrades, and peace of mind delivered by our world-class† support team.

    You definitely can host NodeBB on your own! We've strived for years to deliver a piece of software that runs lean and fast on minimal hardware, great docs (some contributed by other admins!) that help you get up to speed quickly, and a fantastic community that will help you if you get stuck.

    The reason I take this principled stand is simple — I think it's unfair when artificial limitations are placed on software just for the purpose of getting customers to pay more.

    We've seen all this time and time again:

    You can't install any plugin you want, just a select few from a small list You can only have X units (tickets, posts, etc) of whatever you're using You can only have X admins/owners You can't see any messages older than X days

    These limitations are all artificial, and serve to restrict the use of something to the bare minimum. Anything extra is — of course — available for the right price.

    We don't do that. We tell everybody that NodeBB is powerful enough to run huge communities, and we stand by it. We tell everybody that NodeBB is flexible enough to look and function however you want, and we stand by it.

    These are the real limitations we impose on our hosting service:

    Hard drive space for uploads are imposed by our upstream provider and are set, though we are happy to add additional drive volumes for a fee) We have soft "pageview" limits that any user on our hosting can exceed (in fact, many do). We set them purely as a benchmark for the point at which your NodeBB may slow down depending on the type of load that you get, and encourage dialogue to make sure that you're on the right plan (server resources, etc.) We do not allow shell access for security reasons (and if you needed it, you probably could self-host)

    So please do rest assured when I and others tell you that what you see is what you get. No more, no less. I'd rather everybody get to use the best of NodeBB, instead of serving a special feature-reduced version for others.

    † I'm going to go out on limb here and say that we're probably the most qualified people to maintain NodeBB. Feel free to disagree 😉

  • You have a cool idea about NodeBB? Post it here.

    808 Topics
    5k Posts
    o              oO

    It's an optimization, an opportunity to handle more traffic on less hardware.

  • Found a bug? Why not make a bug report here?
    1k Topics
    7k Posts


    I successfully installed NodeBB using docker-compose.

    Everything seems to be working as expected, but when the nodebb container starts up, NodeBB starts running. However, when I connect to bash and check its status using the CLI, it shows that NodeBB is not running, even though it actually is.

    When I try to stop it, I can't. And when I try to start it using the CLI, even though I initially installed it with MongoDB, it gives an error related to postgres.

    Initially I've installed NodeBB with Postgres, then I removed the container and installed with Mongo.


  • Focused discussion related to ActivityPub integration in NodeBB

    49 Topics
    593 Posts
    It sounds the whole discussion about Note vs Page is really asking how to get Mastodon to display your content better. But I think thats entirely the wrong question to ask. When someone complains to me that Lemmy posts look wrong in Mastodon, I simply point him to the Mastodon issue tracker. Its absolutely none of my concern how other projects render our content. There are dozens of Fediverse projects and I dont have time to go around and change things to satisfy every single one. If Mastodon developers dont want to improve things its their loss. Its important not to get blinded by Mastodons large user numbers. It really is by far the largest Fediverse platform so far, but does that really matter? If you look at centralized social media, there are actually billions of users. So a few years of growth and migration waves could catapult any well-designed project ahead of Mastodon in terms of user numbers. Its much more important to optimize for all these potential future users, rather than appease a minority on Mastodon who sticks to such a badly behaved platform. Also what does Evan mean by saying that Page shouldnt be used? Lemmy uses it since day one without any problems, its a perfectly fine type.
  • Help Translate NodeBB
  • /api/login return loggedin:false

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Okay I bit the bullet and learned nginx and am off to the races.

  • Session-sharing id question

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    The id you send should identify the user in your system. The plugin will store a map of NodeBB user id to your id for synchronization.

  • Adding Categories/Boards Dynamically

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    I am new to NodeBB. I want to use NodeBB for the school, every class will have its own discussion boards, the discussion board can only be accessed by the students in the class and moderated by the classroom teachers. How do I create the board dynamically and restrict access for a certain group of people? I don't need NodeBB's user management system as our application has already authenticated users, so this is assuming students and teachers are already logged in with JWT token stored in the cookie.

    Your help is appreciated!


  • can we run nodebb using firebase hosting

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @ak-tech I don't know about firebase hosting... As long as it runs on a compatible OS and has Shell access, I don't see why it can't.

  • Nodebb plugin install from github

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @anirban-dutta I use command like this npm install git+ when repo is not recognized by npm install

    Just remember to add .git at the end of github repo url.

  • Content Security Policy and unsafe-inline

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Jeff ReiffersJ

    Re: content security policy

    Is CSP supported in 1.17.1?

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @miguel-guzman I just noticed that the Fiddle you included appears to have an API key embedded - hope that's not yours - otherwise, millions of random internet users will be getting this product for free whilst you pay for it 🙂

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Anirban DuttaA

    Thanks @dunlix and @PitaJ for help me. Problem solved only for yours help. Thanks a lot

  • How to make a plugin?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Anirban DuttaA
    Read this link----->

  • Users to whom the category is available

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    As a result, I got such a script, maybe it will be useful to someone.

    const Theme = {} const user = require.main.require('./src/user') const privileges = require.main.require('./src/privileges') Theme.getUsersByCategory = async function(data) { const { templateData: { cid } } = data const allUserIds = await user.getUidsFromSet('users:joindate', 0, -1) const asyncFilter = async (arr, predicate) => { const results = await Promise.all( return arr.filter((element, index) => results[index]) } const availableUserIds = await asyncFilter(allUserIds, async (id) => { return await privileges.categories.can('read', cid, id) }) data.templateData.availableUsers = await user.getUsersData(availableUserIds) return data } module.exports = Theme
  • Cannot find any string to translate.

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @antosik great, thank you!

  • Custom homepage template

    0 Votes
    23 Posts

    @phenomlab it probably isn't provided with the breadcrumb data, so it doesn't render anything.

    You can check in your browsers js console to see what's there.

  • the custom theme will be removed

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Yeah it's a known issue you'll have to relink sometimes. It depends on what npm version and OS you're using.

  • Issue while upgrading !!

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @rajeev2189 ... but since:

    You already tried the big jump and failed You are also using some customized stuff

    I'd suggest going version by version until you hit something that breaks. Then examine breaking changes logs and such for that version.

    Edit: Hmmm... Rereading your OP:

    ...challenges while upgrading.

    Maybe I misinterpreted this and you have not actually already tried to update? 🤔

    In which case, if not, follow pitaj's recipe above.

  • Improve API Docs

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Martijn MichelM

    A question to the developers of nodebb, please improve the api docs. The api is great but is lacking explanation in many cases.

  • Making the font bigger

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    @eveh sorry 🤭

    Try this

    body { font-size: 2rem !important; }
  • api/admin/upload/file always 401

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Martijn MichelM

    ive found this post, but i dont understand how to get a csrf token

  • Unable to connect a bot to the websocket

    0 Votes
    19 Posts

    @pitaj OK, I have no idea what's going on, but after I verified all of those things, without actually changing the code that wasn't working before... suddenly I'm getting user messages! 😕 😕 😕

    So... yeah, it's working now. Thanks for the help!

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @grabmaier Absolutely, try it out and share with us what you build.

  • API: Trouble getting list of users

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I found a good way to get the user list out of mongodb. In case anyone need it:

    async function doMongoDb() { const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); const username = encodeURIComponent("admin"); const password = encodeURIComponent("mypassword"); const clusterUrl = "localhost:27017"; const authMechanism = "DEFAULT"; const uri = `mongodb://${username}:${password}@${clusterUrl}/?authMechanism=${authMechanism}`; const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }); try { await client.connect(); const database = client.db("nodebb"); const objects = database.collection("objects"); // get all user const query = { _key: /^user:\d+$/ }; // select fields we want to see const options = { projection: { _id: 0, username: true, _id: false, email: true, "email:confirmed": true, joindate: true, fullname: true }, }; const cursor = objects.find(query, options); if ((await cursor.count()) === 0) { console.log("No user found!"); } // iterate over the users await cursor.forEach(user => { if (user["email:confirmed"] == 1 ) { console.dir(user); } }); } finally { // make sure we close the connection await client.close(); } } // --------------------------------------------------- function init() { try { doMongoDb(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } // --------------------------------------------------- init();