I found a good way to get the user list out of mongodb. In case anyone need it:
async function doMongoDb() {
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const username = encodeURIComponent("admin");
const password = encodeURIComponent("mypassword");
const clusterUrl = "localhost:27017";
const authMechanism = "DEFAULT";
const uri = `mongodb://${username}:${password}@${clusterUrl}/?authMechanism=${authMechanism}`;
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
try {
await client.connect();
const database = client.db("nodebb");
const objects = database.collection("objects");
// get all user
const query = { _key: /^user:\d+$/ };
// select fields we want to see
const options = {
projection: { _id: 0, username: true, _id: false, email: true, "email:confirmed": true, joindate: true, fullname: true },
const cursor = objects.find(query, options);
if ((await cursor.count()) === 0) {
console.log("No user found!");
// iterate over the users
await cursor.forEach(user => {
if (user["email:confirmed"] == 1 ) {
} finally {
// make sure we close the connection
await client.close();
// ---------------------------------------------------
function init() {
try {
} catch(e) {
// ---------------------------------------------------