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  • User documentation for NodeBB

    44 Topics
    44 Posts
    Jay MoonahJ
    One of the first important things to do after setting up NodeBB is to set up an emailer plugin. While NodeBB does include a local emailer, if your forum is particularly active we recommend using an third-party emailer such as SendGrid which provides better deliverability for sites that send a high volume of email. Setting up SendGrid in NodeBB is very easy. Open the administrative dashboard using the 'gear' icon on your forum. Open the Extend > Plugins menu, and select the Find Plugins tab. Use the search on the right. Type 'SendGrid' and the plugin should appear -- select Install when you see it. From Installed tab on the Plugins menu, search again for 'SendGrid' and select Activate. Activating the plugin will require a restart of your forum. To restart, select the Dashboard menu and press the Restart button to the right. After NodeBB restarts, the SendGrid plugin will be active. After you restart, there should be a item called Emailer (SendGrid) under the Plugins menu -- if you don't see this right away, try refreshing your browser. Sign up to SendGrid Go to the SendGrid website, open the pricing page and scroll to the bottom. Click on the link and create your free account. Once you've confirmed your SendGrid account via email, you should be able to login to the SendGrid website. On the left side of your SendGrid dashboard, open Settings and click on API Keys. Click the button in the top right to create a new key. Make sure that the key has Full Access for Send Mail and Alerts.  When you are done, the new key to your clipboard. Now, return to the SendGrid menu on your NodeBB admin panel. Paste the API key into the field, and save your changes. Now go back to the Dashboard to restart your forum one more time. SendGrid should now be working for your forum. [image: youtubelogo.png] Setting up SendGrid mailer for NodeBB
  • NodeBB guides, how-to's and general tips and tricks

    83 Topics
    601 Posts
    not sure the plugin worked for firefox. saw a-z in the sort icon. when i used it, i expected the topics in the category would be sorted a-z. they werent
  • 25 Topics
    201 Posts
    I think you answered my point, by agreeing there are issues. I didn't even attempt to deploy nodebb, I had problems with much smaller projects! Nextjs routing was going through a change of design at the time, so perhaps that is less confusing now, but there were multiple other headaches. I would get build errors and issues with package management.
  • Can't register or log-in to Admin account

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Madeline JonesM
    Resolved - I needed to run ./nodebb restart
  • Disable 1 out of ?? function? - BUG

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Just wondering if there is any update on this bug? From what I can see, its still breaking the menu and forcing the 2nd line.
  • DBsearch & Spam plugin is not activating in v1.12.2

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @roy-miller Well, maybe you don't get precisely the option you prefer baked in but you may want to explore the alternatives, wh/at the least provide something rather than a blank "No one has replied". I favor the "Last - Show the latest post, including original post, if no replies" variant, wh/displays a leadin teaser snippet from the original post if no replies. Teaser is aptly named as provides a "taste" of what the thread may be about. Otherwise... I gots nothin' for ya.... Good luck!
  • Heroku deployment issue

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Are you running this on your local machine? Do you have build-essentials installed?
  • nodebb, nginx, and modsecurity?

    2 Votes
    5 Posts
    Maybe not a lot of interest in this due to complexity of deploying/configuring ModSecurity, combined w/absence of nodebb stack specific rulesets. Security is difficult so not much can be done about the deploy/config aspects but ModSecurity devs are starting to focus some efforts on the latter. For those interested, and willing to roll up their sleeves, development of node.js targeted attack ruleset is slated for next release of OWASP CRS, scheduled for Sept. 2019. More info here: P.S.; Obviously ModSecurity can be deployed on Apache setups as well but my sense is that Nginx is the overwhelming favorite w/the nodebb community and I didn't want to start a new thread.
  • Variables in widget (html)

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Use data from Maciev To check the data in the array, enter in the browser console
  • using loggedInUser in "/categories"

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Do this for the hook as well
  • Nginx Pagespeed configuration

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    is it a good idea to use nginx pagespeed module. If possible, then can you please share your experience? How to install nginx pagespeed module on existing centos 7 server? Which configuration shall i put in nginx.conf file? Thanks in adavance
  • Help upgrading

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    You have managed to mess up the file permissions in the NodeBB directory. You should always execute ./nodebb, npm, and git commands under the same unprivileged user, which means no sudo. You will need to recursively chown the nodebb directory back over to whatever unprivileged user should own it. What upgrade instructions are you trying to follow?
  • Set up NodeBB with AWS

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Not AWS specific but maybe this is what you're looking for? Should be able to get you there. Hell's bells... No clue why that link a'la old school markdown syntax is broken. Try this:
  • Nginx Best Practices Directory and Location Configs

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Not an nginx guru so please bear with me here. For simplicity sake let's assume site lives at rather than a subfolder. Unless specified otherwise, nginx root dir is /usr/share/nginx/html Nodebb nginx configuration docs utilize this when describing setting up a custom error page. Nginx is being used exclusively as reverse proxy and not serving any additional sites. I think I read somewhere that under such configuration an explicit default server docroot should not be specified? But even in such cases I think the hard coded default /usr/share/nginx/html still serves up 50x.html error page. In absence of a custom error page, nodebb uses nodebb/public/503.html? Nginx has been configured for scaling. Nginx Pitfalls and Common Mistakes documentation suggest putting doc root inside a location block is bad practice even though it will work. Soo... now my question... taking all of above into consideration.. what is proper/correct best practice configuration for a "scaled" nginx nodebb deployment? I know what "could" work. I am curious what "should" be recommended best practice. (Yeah, I know I already posted this in a different thread but it was a mistake at the time not to have started a new thread because this is pretty specific w.r.t. best practices configuration rather than "why isn't my stuff isn't working" question. Apologies for that.)
  • Recent card, display multiple category ?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    We use recent card, but IFAK we succeed to show either all categories or only one category, but not the #1 and #2 (etc.) categories. We have multiple announcement categories and we would like to display them at the top on the category pages but in unique one "recent card" widget, and not multiple ones. I searched but I didn't succeed to find how to do this.
  • custom mongodb/and apis

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    @rozi98 said in custom mongodb/and apis: i want nodebb use mywebsite userdb - Use it? In what way?
  • (Question) How to install NodeBB on Plesk VPS ?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @Rootzilla how is your project coming along?
  • Moderator Permissions

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    It is actually planned: Two of the permissions that are supposed to be split are Global account info access and Global user sessions access. Unfortunately, there seems to be no ETA, and the issue is from 2017, so it might take some time before it's added... But there is hope
  • Nodebb start not work

    0 Votes
    18 Posts
    @sanatisharif Please try to answer all of the questions I ask, or at least address them Including all of your answers in a single reply improves the flow of the topic Quote the actual question you're replying to, not the whole post Include as many details as possible. For instance, what was the output of the git reset command?
  • Recent card plugin, display multiple categories ?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    I would like to know if it is possible to display multiple specific categories. For example, if I would like to display only categories #1 and #2 but not the others, how I could do that ?
  • Heroku Boot Crash

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    I found some information within stackoverflow. That I am going to attempt. StackOverFlow says this: The post is located here: It looks like a R10 Error Boot Timeout. The error occurs due to the application unable to reach an external resource, like a database. I would double check your DB connection because this error is likely due to an improperly configured database connection. Did you provision a database connection using Heroku's Add-on's? If not, you will have to provision a database to fix the error. mLab is a free option but there are many others. I'll try to walk you through an example of how to do this. Navigate to your Heroku app's dashboard. Click on Resources. In the add-on search box, type in the database service you'd like to provision. If you choose mLab, it will take you to the mLab GUI. Your URI connection string is at the top of the screen. (You want to choose the one labeled "Driver". ) Click on the 'add a user' tab at the center-bottom part of the screen. Add a username and password. Save. After that, copy the URI connection string above, then navigate back to your dashboard. Click on Settings, reveal config vars. Now paste the URI connection string in the text box, then add in your newly created user credentials to replace the <username> and <password> fields. Copy the config variable MONGODB_URI. Next, on your command line, set or export the MONGODB_URI environment variable. Finally, in your application, navigate to where you start your server, then replace the connection to your local host's database with the MONGODB_URI e.g. process.env.MONGODB_URI. Next, Add, commit, push to master then to Heroku. The R10 error should be gone. If it's not, see the links below. EDIT: This didn't seem to work.
  • Themes not showing, admin side

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    @qwerty yes, after running ./nodebb stop, NodeBB should not be running. What did you try? Does it work when running with ./nodebb dev?
  • Changing the order of multiple badges

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Probably on nodebb tracker.