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  • Docker deployment issue

    Unsolved Technical Support
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    1 Posts
    I'm trying to setup a Digital Ocean app using the Dockerfile below - this is based on the original Dockerfile from the Docker container packages. I managed to get this working locally having little changes made to the original Dockerfile, since I'm using a custom template and this is pulled from a public git repo on the NodeBB package.json file, so no major changes from the normal setup. Here's the Dockerfile I'm using: FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:lts as npm RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/build && \ chown -R node:node /usr/src/build WORKDIR /usr/src/build ARG NODE_ENV=production ENV NODE_ENV $NODE_ENV # nodebb-docker/ folder contains the repo COPY --chown=node:node nodebb-docker/install/package.json /usr/src/build/package.json USER node RUN npm install --omit=dev FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:lts RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app && \ chown -R node:node /usr/src/app WORKDIR /usr/src/app ARG NODE_ENV ENV NODE_ENV $NODE_ENV COPY --chown=node:node --from=npm /usr/src/build /usr/src/app USER node RUN npm rebuild && \ npm cache clean --force COPY --chown=node:node nodebb-docker /usr/src/app ENV NODE_ENV=production \ daemon=false \ silent=false EXPOSE 4567 CMD test -n "${SETUP}" && ./nodebb setup || node ./nodebb build; node ./nodebb start Even though the build is running successfully (locally and in production) and I can run the container locally, I get this message on failed deployment: [2023-07-27 13:56:26] 2023-07-27T13:56:26.239Z [3] - info: Launching web installer on port 4567 [] Anyone has had this before? Thank you
  • Heroku deployment issue

    Technical Support
    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Are you running this on your local machine? Do you have build-essentials installed?