How to configure grunt file to generate source maps with LESS ?
Hi, i want to configure grunt file to generate source maps compatible with FireFox Developer Tools.
Tried add this to grunt.js:grunt.initConfig({ watch: { options: { strictImports : true, sourceMap: true, sourceMapFilename: 'public/', sourceMapURL: '' } lessUpdated_Client: { files: [ 'public/*.less', 'node_modules/nodebb-*/*.less', 'node_modules/nodebb-*/**/*.less', '!node_modules/nodebb-*/node_modules/**', '!node_modules/nodebb-*/.git/**' ] }, -
Grunt is not compiling the less files of NodeBB. It just watches changes and notifies (or restarts) NodeBB. NodeBB itself manages the compilation of LESS files.
I assume this would be the place to add such options. -
If you're interested in tackling this issue, note that the UglifyJS version we use may not produce working source maps.
The source map also has to be able to access libraries from
, so that's another complication.
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