Community revamp
Hey all
We're looking into revamping our community forums.
First of all - we originally used the subdomain mainly as a testing ground for the forum. Turns out we've got quite a few regulars here and I'm sure we will grow... so we are considering renaming it to for ex.
Secondly, we're looking to build a custom theme for try. Maybe very similar to vanilla but with a bit of pizazz. Every idea is welcome! This is the point of this thread - please feel free to tell us your ideas
Rename is smart, especially early before back links to relevant articles here end up on other sites.
I think with the theme keeping it close to stock is important because the average customer wants to see what it can be out of the box. Custom costs $$ for most who can't come here and understand the finer details. Maybe as a custom feature for this site only add in the ability to change themes so folks can test out 3-4 versions.
Good decision! Makes more sense, we can try NodeBB within the community and grow it from here.
Hehe - maybe he's talking about the theme.
You can still access, it'll just transparently redirect to
Hehe - maybe he's talking about the theme.
You can still access, it'll just transparently redirect to
when I came on this morning it just hang but I guessed what you had done so just googled you to get back here.