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Feature Requests

You have a cool idea about NodeBB? Post it here.

809 Topics 5.0k Posts
  • Filter Orphaned Images

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Is it possible to get an filter/sort option in admin/manage/uploads ?

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    String concatenation is highly optimized in JS engines, so the benefits of template literals for performance are small. Using template literals on the client side also makes you incompatible with older browsers.

    Also you didn't really relate your advice to NodeBB.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    ithots jegadesanI

    Hi all, i create a nodebb forum in my local but i cant open admin panel. settings should not access .so how to access the admin side login. i have this error
    Access Denied
    You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.

  • 3 Votes
    8 Posts

    I'm interested by the feature you were looking for.
    Have you find a way to do this ?

  • Strategy to clean upload files is required

    2 Votes
    3 Posts

    There is a report that shows abandoned files. You can delete them manually. A bit of a pain, but there is little other way to be sure that something isn't needed.

  • Voluntary temporary account freeze

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @julian said in Voluntary temporary account freeze:

    Hey there! That's a neat problem to have -- to have your users to addicted to the forum they voluntarily ask to be temp banned, basically 😆

    Reach out to us at [email protected], this would be custom dev that we would probably not want in core (since it's not really something that appeals to everyone), but we'd be happy to build it out as a plugin for some fee.

    Thanks, will do that...

  • Profile tpl to be included in Widgets (Extend)

    2 Votes
    4 Posts

  • How do you hide invisible users?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Admins see users even if they set their status to offline.

  • 2 Votes
    3 Posts

    Fixed already!!
    Thanks @baris !

  • This topic is deleted!

    5 Votes
    8 Posts
  • 0 Votes
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    @Bri said in Last Post/Last Poster > fa-arrow-circle-right - Lets use it in all instances! 🙂:

    I feel like it makes the UI more busy and doesn't really add anything.

    I can understand that feeling, but busy is very relative and I was aware some might like it, others might not - eye of the beholder, beauty vs function.

    You know if you want all this UI stuff, you're more than welcome to take an existing theme and modify it to your hearts desire.

    That is a valid point which I accounted for in my comments but not in the context of my agenda and thus my activity I would say it's not even a concern or should be, but - Please let me explain.

    I'm concentrating on out-of-the-box nodeBB.

    I'm looking at nodeBB persona bundle with a critical eye to enhance and evolve it, to engage the world with it's best foot forward - among the broad spectrum of forum platforms out there, historical and new, engage the widest market, users, owners and beyond.

    Facebook & Twitter to name but a few have crippled many once great forum communities across the vast stretches of the interwebs often by simply starving them of new active users as the virtual Big Tec Malls sucked people (frankly captured as children) into their big and shiny LIKE driven platforms.

    NodeBB IMHO is a great base, to begin to turn that equation on it's head, even fight back, but perhaps I'm foisting too many hopes & dreams on mere refinements and feature requests. So I shall digress no more on that point but it's why I'm offering this here as opposed to any other new platform out there.

    I'm banking on nodeBB being a great community who also share similar values or outlooks. I'm not expecting or looking to garner agreement but support for alwasy looking and always thinking about more or better.

    Initiating this process, it was recommended to me by @julian to use the forums to engage as I am doing.

    I do not know any other constructive way to engage the development of nodeBB as an active contributor, other than this. I am not a coder and get by on basic HTML and CSS, often on a needs must basis while GitHub still looks alphabet soup to me, and scares me a bit.

    Maybe if I create an account it will start to knit (and I will eventually).

    Tangentially I have slowly begun to understand how to build a theme for bodeBB but if I tried that now it would not be confident it would stand up to rigor.

    As I spec and find things and formulate a new insight or suggestion - It's not that I so want these all for me and the dev team to do my bidding - no, but I am thinking what the user needs, what the admin needs, or the broader active but lurking user needs and sometimes a mix of these points of view.

    These are not random considerations as I have a lot of experience with historical forums, users bases, trends and various trials of the humble site-admins and mods.

    First and foremost it is distilled through the prism of a visual spatial understanding, as a designer who has been pushing pixels for far too long, totally inspired by nodeBB's very existence to reinvigorate the forum as a platform in a forum that is re-invigorating the forum as a viable platform for the future by it's sheer existence - it speaks to me of it's potential, to push the envelope of expectations, in a refined fit and finish or radical reformation that are conventionally reliable in the cut adn thrust of day in day out forum life.

    Right now I'm calling it as I see it with as much visual support I can muster in my spare time, for user consideration and attention of the dev's. (thus request for upvotes!)

    If someone wants to partner with me to help dev in this direction as a theme, please message me but I can't help feel that my focus is refining then entry core for the widest of applications and then proposing roadmap features like Composer - Right beside you - to go beyond the scope of a mere theme.

    Hope this helps. 🙂

  • Composer - Layout Tweeks & More

    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    I love the composer.

    I know I've already said that but I do, so much it inspires me to see it shine shine shine!

    First I present some basic edits and additions to the composer, to refine even more the sleek minimalism - sleeker, not weaker.

    Spot the Difference


    Did you spot the changes?

    Red Changes.png

    A) Gone is the left aligned arrow/circle - meet the new (27px x 3px #E2E2E2) - RESIZER NOTCH! 🙂

    B) Huh? What is that ... read on

    C & D) - Doesn't this just look better, make more sense positionally, rather than words in those clashing with the input and preview areas!

    E) - I'm pitching to fully BOX in (top, left, right & bottom) the post editor - Also reducing the beautiful blue line down from 3px to 2px.

    Composer - Right beside you!

    B) What happens when you click it! 😉


    Mans & Womans - I dunno if this exists, I searched, I didn't find it but why not! (now you know why the box in post editor box is needed further + it visually feedbacks better too) It's clearly the natural progression to enhance composer experience and I have NEVER seen this done in any forums I have used, ever! (happy to be corrected).

    For the sake of focus I have split by posting the full blown right side composer pitch here: "Composer - Right Beside you" dedicated dev topic so click here to continue the surge of comments 😋 - thanks!

    Please Upvote 👍 - If you want to see this as a core feature in standard nodeBB deployment.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @baris Oh my! 😳


  • 2 Votes
    1 Posts

    I love the composer in nodeBB. However, it's rare to find anything in life that can not be pushed toward greater perfection and since composer is pushing toward perfection already - let's push a little bit more to make the difference! 🙂

    On - I noticed a few extra buttons that seemed to related to the same function or kind of, then I noticed even more - why have 3 image related buttons when you can have one?



    Ok, first lets strip the overlapping icons and rearrange into more logical groups:

    Post Edit Tools | Link Tools | Image Tools | Custom Tool | Zen Mode



    Super and look at all the new found space, minimal overload is not far off, time to look at the sequential order.

    Less is More in the New Order


    If there ever was a more graceful flow from left to right in perfect order I have yet to see it, with less buttons in a more logical, sequential and grouped order we are pitching for less visual cognitive load.


    Minimal without losing functionality Clear left to right flow and back again Grouping of icons by contextual function Establishes a logical sequence to icon groups Creates more space for other icons Sets logical order and positioning for future icon inclusion

    Naturally it flows that the 3 image button functions need to be folded into a pop-up menu.

    Why this is probably a better outcome is that it creates a clear focus and display of the image options to the user using one click, all on a single menu.

    Currently there are 3 buttons one of which is visually ambiguous as it presents as cloud up arrow icon, which could be construed as being actionable with any file for upload.

    If you wanted to push the logic of this approach further, then even the smilies icon could considered a valid target (hypothetically!) to also fold into the single image button - creating a hybrid single image button, a hybrid pop-up menu with all the visual/image elements in one place.

    Please note, I am not proposing it for now but I present it to tease out the natural evolution of where this route might go and is perhaps one reduction too far for broader nodeBB deployments.

    Please upvote 👍 - If you woudl like to see this in standard nodeBB.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    It would be quite helpful if the plugins that were available for download from the admin panel were required to indicate the NodeBB version they were compatible with, a date of when it was last updated, or things of that nature so that quickly at a glance you can see if something is older or not compatible anymore as simply having the plugins current version is not that helpful with nothing to compare that against.


  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts

    In a multilingual nodebb forum which users may post in both right-to-left and left-to-right languages or use a ltr/rtl theme by their preferences, having no control on selecting proper text direction and alignment is so displeasing!

    It would be nice if you could add some controls in the top-side toolbar of the editor so the users can specify the proper direction and/or alignment of texts they are posting.

    Another approach can be automatic detection of language's direction and default text alignment based on the first strong unicode character. (I used this approach here using js and css but it does not apply on newly loaded posts by ajax.)

    The other quick fix may be that we put dir="auto" align="justify" attributes in paragraphs and list items elements. Anyway it looks odd somehow.

    I already opened an issue in composer plugin github but not heard any updates regarding it.

  • Getting PDF Downloadable File of a Post(Topic)

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Set your pagination in your user settings really high, visit the post in your browser, and print as PDF. Chrome has this built-in, as does Windows 10.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Just like we have auto suggest working on mobile for tags, can we please enable auto suggest for following?

    when searching for topics on mobile using global search. when writing a topic title when choosing a category for a topic

    all these autosuggest work on desktop view but not in mobile view.

    @PitaJ @baris

  • Reply by email

    4 Votes
    26 Posts

    @Desmond-Kyeremeh said in Reply by email:

    A user will automatically be notified about activities on a topic when he creates a topic or comments on one. There can also be a checkbox to allow users to unsubscribe

    My users have this now.

  • Sorting option by view counts

    3 Votes
    3 Posts

    @scottalanmiller said in Sorting option by view counts:

    Agreed, would be very nice.
