Installing on ubuntu 14.04 - impossible?
I've ran through 2 or 3 guides for installing NodeBB on Ubuntu 14.04 with MongoDB, and am unable to install NodeBB and get it to run successfully. Is there a recent, up to date, reliable guide on how to install this software on Ubuntu 14.04?
It seems that nodebb doesn't have its dependencies correctly set. Is there is a specific version of NodeBB that will actually install smoothly for 14.04?
some errors:
(runs, but throws errors)
1 Error: Cannot find module 'colors'
2 Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/lwip_image'(cannot even run setup)
Could not start: MODULE_NOT_FOUND -
I've ran through 2 or 3 guides for installing NodeBB on Ubuntu 14.04 with MongoDB, and am unable to install NodeBB and get it to run successfully. Is there a recent, up to date, reliable guide on how to install this software on Ubuntu 14.04?
It seems that nodebb doesn't have its dependencies correctly set. Is there is a specific version of NodeBB that will actually install smoothly for 14.04?
some errors:
(runs, but throws errors)
1 Error: Cannot find module 'colors'
2 Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/lwip_image'(cannot even run setup)
Could not start: MODULE_NOT_FOUND -
Yes. It doesn't seem to be installing all of the dependencies for both 0.8.x and 1.x.x. 0.8.x encounters run-time packages that are missing and 1.x.x can't even run the setup script. This could definitely be an NPM issue, but I was hoping to get an answer on which packages are 100% confirmed to work. The official documentation implies the latest of everything which seems to be making it impossible for me to install successfully.
some errors:
(runs, but throws errors)
0.8.xWait, what? why did you start with the 0.8.x branch?
Delete the node_modules folder, switch to the v1.x.x branch, and try
npm install --production
again. Sometimes npm does some funny things so it's easier to just blow the whole thing away. -
some errors:
(runs, but throws errors)
0.8.xWait, what? why did you start with the 0.8.x branch?
Delete the node_modules folder, switch to the v1.x.x branch, and try
npm install --production
again. Sometimes npm does some funny things so it's easier to just blow the whole thing away.I tried both. I cannot run nodebb or run the setup with 1.x.x. I have installed for production. Is this more of an NPM question? I'm guessing it has to do with my nodejs/npm setup. Doesn't seem to be installing packages correctly for nodebb.
:~/nodebb$ npm start
node loader.js
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'nconf'edit:
It seems like my NPM install is failing silently; node_modules is empty each time I try. This has absolutely nothing to do with NodeBB. my apologies for wasting your time. Please close or delete. -
I've seen something like this before when trying to install on a DO droplet that had 512KB of RAM. What are the specs of the machine you're installing on?
I've seen something like this before when trying to install on a DO droplet that had 512KB of RAM. What are the specs of the machine you're installing on?
@Bri That´s correct. Nodebb need 1GB minimum. Try several times in a 512MB Droplet. Don´t work.
Also, Just installed two days ago, follow this instructions (I made a manual and it works for me):
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs mongodb build-essential
apt-get install git build-essential imagemagick
git clone -b v1.x.x nodebb**Need some update before installation:
PUG: npm install pug-cli -g
node-fs-extra: npm install --save fs-extra
Graceful: npm install graceful-fs-extra
npm update minimatch
npm -v minimatch
npm install -g npm@3
npm install -g [email protected]
npm -v minimatchThen configure Mongodb and run npm install
I've seen something like this before when trying to install on a DO droplet that had 512KB of RAM. What are the specs of the machine you're installing on?
Nothing is impossible
I run NodeBB just fine on 512Mb. To get NPM to install properly I had to setup a swap (not recommended on SSD I know) but it was able to get NPM to work. I'm highly surprised that NPM has issues with a 512 box with just the necessities running. But whatever. NodeBB runs just fine.
I just recently migrated my NodeBB forum to Digital Ocean so its fresh in my mind. Runs better than on my 1G virpus I had. I also used Ubuntu 14.04 since I was having issues with migrating my MongoDB, but I eventually got that all upgraded so I'm on 16.04 Ubuntu now. The NodeBB my data was from was V1.1.0. So you could try that one.
I run NodeBB just fine on 512Mb. To get NPM to install properly I had to setup a swap (not recommended on SSD I know) but it was able to get NPM to work. I'm highly surprised that NPM has issues with a 512 box with just the necessities running. But whatever. NodeBB runs just fine.
I just recently migrated my NodeBB forum to Digital Ocean so its fresh in my mind. Runs better than on my 1G virpus I had. I also used Ubuntu 14.04 since I was having issues with migrating my MongoDB, but I eventually got that all upgraded so I'm on 16.04 Ubuntu now. The NodeBB my data was from was V1.1.0. So you could try that one.