Nodebb - my opinion
@belstgut said:
@julian But familiarity is what makes it easier for most users.
they probably don't want to learn a new markup language for every forum. So they stick with what they know.This is true. But tbh nothing about NodeBB is like other forums. To my knowledge, there isn't any other forum software written in NodeJS.
Markdown is currently more heavily used by developer types, but everything has to start somewhere. BB code wasn't invented with the forum; it was something new that was a way to decrease the learning curve of html.
In a similar vein, Markdown is even simpler, reducing the need to have to remember to close each tag, and NodeBB even includes a live preview to boot! That's not something I've seen anywhere else.
My only real gripe with Markdown is that there are so many different flavors (er, flavours
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
I get this error , i'm using 0.7.1
Also there should be an easy way to upgrade the forum. -
Opinions differ. My opinion is that markdown is pretty bad and I don't think it will be the future.
Example of this is that none of the users did not know how to use markdown, but did not have much problem with BBCode (learns pretty fast). If markdown shorter, does not necessarily mean that one is better.
Users simply knows that B is bold, URL is link, IMG is image and just put it between tags and it's harder to mix with raw text than markdown. Also, I remember on old forums (and also new) you have option to create your own bbcodes and insert HTML for tooltips, embed youtube video or any other video, spoilers, text highlight and any other HTML code.
There are many more options and the more flexible. Markdown is designed for simple formatting (bold, headings, lists and a few other small things).
One of the users asked me how to insert clicktable image with Markdown. I show him and he answered me: "Wow, it's scary! How, invented this?"And I totally agree with him.
After all, it does not much matter. I do not see a future in Markdown. Also I think it would be much easier to use BBCode with WYSIWYG editor than Markdown because BBCode structure is logical like HTML structure.
However, I decided to use another forum, because NodeBB is very buggy (see first posts).
Of course, this does not mean that I will not follow its development, but as long as there is a great incompatibility with plugins (after core update or similar) and no integration of user sessions and database, I think that this forum will be limited to a smaller number of users.Regards.
@castbound I will say that NodeBB can be a bit on the buggy and unpolished side. But that didn't stop me from using this software due the fact thats its so much better innovation then I see of any other forum software, And the reason some of the plugins don't work (Even 50% of the NPM list works) is because of some major core change a while back. And those plugins basically got abandoned.
@Kowlin you heve yo be concious that Nodebb don't event got to the 1.0.0 version. So clearly some points might be polished till then.
On the other point, I haven't seen yet anyone who asked for help regarding a plugin and didn't get support from the community. Sometimes only is needed a to point some aspect about a plugin to get it corrected in very little time. This community just rocks.
@castbound I have to ask, what was the last forum software you used that was version 0.x? This is typical software development, alpha and beta versions are going to be buggy.
I would encourage you to give markdown a fair chance. FWIW bulleted lists are magnitudes easier and more intuitive. Saying a new technology is terrible and no one will ever get used to it is a premature assessment, how do you think people got used to:
- writing a different language
- learning to type on a keyboard
- using Twitter
Yet here we are...
@Blue-Orange said:
a basic top notch state of the art composer
basic, or state of the art?
Also, are we arguing about syntax, or formatting capability?
No. A composer that works!!!! Not the crap that nodebb calls a redactor. It's the crappiest shit ever. Even the most simplistic forumsoftware like the far more inferior Buddypress or BBpress has a way and far better redactor/composer. NodeBB should be ashamed to have this shitty redactor with no options in the software. Where everything is about content or sharing content etc.........the redactor should be the top notch element in the discussion!!
@BDHarrington7 said:
Also, are we arguing about syntax, or formatting capability?
NO.......just a complete redactor any ass/dummie/nono/beginner can use with all the options possible.....where you can upload pictures and visuals from your pc instead of stupid url's, where you can justify text and make text smaller and bigger and add another font....etc,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc. A REDACTOR That is top notch as you were writing a book on your tinymce which is used by millions and millions of users worldwide.....MILLIONS!!
Sorry what?! This issue has already been addressed with a plugin. I really cant see how your rant makes this any difference... Markdown for this forum is fine... Since most people here have a understanding of this sort of syntax. For forums that don't that sort of understanding... Thats all fine but let me throw this into the conversation. This WYSIWYG editor is literally the answer to your whole rant...
@Blue-Orange said:
NO.......just a complete redactor any ass/dummie/nono/beginner can use with all the options...
I get your frustration, but yelling at people to build your niche idea of what a perfect composer is isn't going to get you anywhere.
Quite frankly, you're asking for the world here. There's really no such thing as a "composer that has all the options that any user can use". You're basically asking for Microsoft Word as a composer, which, I'll remind you, also comes with a learning curve (a tiny percentage of users actually knows HOW to use all those features). It doesn't work, and even the ones that come close like tinyMCE have their own problems, even with the thousands of man-hours of work on it.
If you can't get you want here (which is free, by the way), contract it out or build your idea of a perfect composer yourself, instead of yelling at everyone for being an idiot and not creating your idea of a perfect composer.
In principle it's great, some clunker parts of it let it down somewhat
Well, my opinion is that Nodebb is an excellent forum, but suffers from some basic flaws. If you use the default, with very few (limited) features, then OK. As soon as you want something more, you realize that Nodebb is not the solution. Also, markdown is simply not for forums (as stated in posts above). Formatting text for the forum software requires more than markdown offers (it is a system for simple text formatting, not for forums).
The main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to itegrate user sessions and integrate application with other applications. Also, bugs that which occur after installing some simple plugin show that the forum is not modular (bad plugin system). And third disadvantage is database (no suppot for MySQL for example for large amounts of data). -
@castbound to come back on the no MySQL point. MongoDB is easly the answer. Mongodb is build from the ground up to support large databases. In fact, MySQL is ancient when compared to MongoDB
nodebb situation is kind of difficult i think, don't want to be rude is just my opinion and i know dev doing very good job
about plugins, 3rd party developers been getting bored of updating his plugins on each version on the beginning with that many breaking changes before 0.7 and nowadays only a few are active.
about 80% of the plugins are broken or abandoned, even some of the main pluginsalso is difficult to get PR accepted, sometimes will stay there waiting until some core break change conflict the PR , is ok to reject a PR if is shit but not nice to stay in limbo forever, some examples that i recent visited the other replies, Nodebb is very good forum software but is lacking a good composer , maybe redactor is the solution but i don't see the community is putting a lot of effort into it after a few months.
also is not about markdown ( i actually like md) but the communication between user and composer is bad, if you are running on 3g or your connection have a delay, the composer won't open and you will have to reload page, thats frustrating for users, happens to me absolutely everyday even with 300MB connection.
i won't talk about long polling because nodebb never worked fine through it. another big improvement to think about it.i hope version 1.0 changes the situation and nodes keeps improving on the right way cause it absolutely amazing software to scale and easy to build plugins but community needs to grow to get main functions always running
@exodo composer #5 is a bad PR, as I pointed out in the PR itself. I know what you mean though, it's annoying waiting weeks for PRs to be merged. However, it also takes time to test PRs before merging.