Like trophyes...
Or Archivemts. That motivate your users to use the site. -
I didint see! sorry, i must use more Github jeje
np can you do us a big favour? pitch nodebb forums for us here!
I just stumbled upon it today and thought since you created the Spanish translation their community will really appreciate this software.
@psychobunny I dont know, what i do in that site? ... i dont know what you mean, sorry. My english its little poor
p.s. feel free to respond to the badge thread on github with your ideas
@psychobunny I dont know, what i do in that site? ... i dont know what you mean, sorry. My english its little poor
I was going to go and message them and let them know we Spanish support! but better if you do it
@psychobunny I sended an email to them!
awesome thanks (y)
They posted to their facebook page. NodeBBHispano in Facebook
I did it ! Whats happend with this?
@julian Looks Great!! ... And Maybe Upside of your avatar if you are admin a "Admin Badge"
Any advance on this?
That would be nice, admin / mod badges would be a first step, just using a little html and css, not actual images.
Just like using a template conditional,<!-- IF moderator -->
or<!-- IF admin -->
something like that. -
It's a must have for busy forums. Helps give users incentive to participate.. Trophies (configurable of course) for example. You can set rules (once user hist 25 posts, they get a trophy) 100 posts, once they get xx likes on combined posts, things like that.
@kelso Thats great for participation.
User Badges ยท Issue #599 ยท NodeBB/NodeBB
Tried searching couldn't find this (but I'm not sure if I've seen it discussed before (perhaps...)), but... Want to back this issue? Place a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.
GitHub (
^ blocked, by lack of some starter graphics for badges