Themecss question re file replacing itself
the theme.css file is dynamically compiled from the LESS files found in node_modules/nodebb-theme-vanilla
ideally you should be modifying those, LESS is very identical to CSS so I'm sure you won't have too many problems. if you do though, let me know!
the theme.css file is dynamically compiled from the LESS files found in node_modules/nodebb-theme-vanilla
ideally you should be modifying those, LESS is very identical to CSS so I'm sure you won't have too many problems. if you do though, let me know!
looking at those now.. seems like LESS is MORE for keeping it all organized and neat.. looks like i'll have no issues with it.. now if they can fix the server the site is throwing 503's my way now i just can't get the time i need when it's available to work on the damn thing.
p.s. if you have supervisor installed, run your nodebb with
it will automatically restart nodebb when it detects changes to the files
p.s. if you have supervisor installed, run your nodebb with
it will automatically restart nodebb when it detects changes to the files
yup yup it's working well now for updating.. luckily I have the full adobe suite so dreamweaver is nice for editing LESS files and I can have all the ones i need open at once and bounce around making changes and hit refresh to view.. now i just need to draw up some ideas tonight on what i want it to look like..
i'm actually happy with the stock setup, i think that is a big selling point it's simplicity. so it's more a matter of refining it and all the small 5px here and there changes so it has it's own flavor.
sounds good. if you change things up drastically please feel compelled to release a theme
sounds good. if you change things up drastically please feel compelled to release a theme
trying to make a more minimal theme on an already minimal theme is going to be painstaking! if it's different enough to package up I will but chances are more people are going to want the typical "i want it to look like XYZ from forum software platform 123" type of stuff.. sad but true..
so far i'm just toying around.. I see the tpl files too so I can tell already i'm going to need to make some regular backups and see what I can change.
Thats what I thought at first... should I edit the theme.css... it was easy that way, but then whenever I restarted the app, it always disappeared. It happened 4 more times until I was like, "There's got to be an easier way". ... well yeah, editing the .less files is way more easier. If you're looking for a CSS to LESS converter, I use this:
It's helped me out a ton!
I'm having issues with the less files located in node_modules/nodebb-theme-vanilla.
I add a background-image to the body of my css, however it is slashed-out in the inspector when I restart the server.
The changes are being detected, however they are not being applied. Has this happened to anyone? -
Solved my own problem. I've been editing the vanilla theme, however it seems that the actual default theme which is cerulean is overriding my changes. Thought I'd share for the next person.
im having the same problem with lavander... trying to do the minimal changes (colors for start)... edited the .less files... nothing happend..
"forked" the lavander theme (copy paste) the files... edited them... (style and variables) changed on the admin... restarted the server and the same color (purple) is on..... any thoughts? im new to less and node..
give us a bit more details, what file exactly did you change in relative to root? I'm assuming
? and then you activated the correct theme and then restarted admin?in that file change
to a diff colour and see if the purple changes, let us know if you aren't having any luck -
@psychobunny Oh, also, if he has lavender alongside "lavender-copy", his
might not have been updated to show the new name, and NodeBB would've loaded just the one theme. (I actually don't know how it would handle two themes with the sameid
) -
ah yeah that's a good point, he should be changing the id as well, it'll load the original if that's what he did
This post is deleted!
Hi,.. thanks for tips..
turns out that nodebb is not loading my theme.. its a lavander fork (copy the whole directory -R ) BUT with a different id on theme.json
i thought it was not loading my changes.. but if i load another theme like.. Cosmo.. and then load my theme... nodebb still show Cosmo template... : /
{ "id": "nodebb-theme-fork", "name": "Lavender Theme fork", "description": "A simple theme for NodeBB. Check out the theming guide that accompanies this work at", "url": "", "screenshot": null, "templates": "templates", "staticDir": "static" }