Some feedback from the lovely folk at my forum
I know we added an extra delay because the pages were loading too fast... over here at least. Maybe that's what is slowing you guys down?
@psychobunny It's kind of like the delay happens after the page fades out, rather than during for me.
@a_5mith Keep in mind that every plugin you install takes time to parse their portion of the post.
So if you're loading a thread with lots of soundcloud embeds, that might take a long time depending on how slow the soundcloud API is.
Best practice is to cache those API calls, so repeated calls load from cache instead of making that network call to the soundcloud API again. I do this with GitHub plugin, which explains why sometimes after a bug is closed, the referenced bug is still listed as "open" in the embed here
Clear your cache here, does it seem a bit better for you now?
@psychobunny It's absolutely perfect on Canary (Chrome), but Firefox still has a mild delay between the page fading out and the other page fading back in again.
Yeah I see the same thing you do. I need to rework how ajaxify happens, @julian was mentioning a cross-fade, but I'm not sure if it would look good or would look like one of those corny wedding home videos kinda thing
@psychobunny While we're discussing the fading, is there a way to turn it off? It's nice an all but I would like to turn it off for a forum I'm working on.
I think putting the following in customCSS will stop the fade in out
.ajaxifying { -moz-opacity: 1.00; opacity: 1.00; -ms-filter:~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=1)"; }
You can modify the vanilla theme to completely remove the transition as well, not sure which one is better.
@baris Bloody ell that's made my forum quick. I think it may be firefox struggling to transition the opacity in a smooth motion. It still fades in slightly, but it's instant and the page load is definitely snappier. I'm scared to try this in Canary.
Yep, 10/10, would recommend.
If everything is up to par (API vs rendering speed) I just feel that the instasnap between pages is a little bit too artificial (feels like clicking between an #anchor, if you know what I mean)
I read somewhere that NodeBB apparently uses the opacity transition animation to fake our loading speed, but the truth is, we did it so that it slows it down a bit to make it not feel so weird
@psychobunny I definitely could see how the instantaneous loading would feel weird, but I actually find it awesome that things load that quickly in NodeBB.
We spent some time today working on the transition feel... bumped up the speed a bit and reduced the artificial delay. More importantly got rid of that annoying flicker that would sometimes happen
@psychobunny All we need now is to include my one homepage change to include the topic title above the post content and I'll be able to pull latest lavender again.
Doesn't actually look bad at all. What do you think @baris
@psychobunny Thanks for cutting the off topic posts out .
You'll probably want to ellipsis the topic titles to one line with this one. I haven't bothered with that yet.
It goes to the post that's previewed, (might negate the need for the Read More button.)
@psychobunny On it.
EDIT: Done.
@a_5mith said:
Rather than admin and developer feedback, I've got some from a users perspective. So,
- mobile - needs to say when the last post was and who by, not when the topic was started.
- user selectable skins - the white of my forum is new and refreshing for some, but not so for the people whom are used to my old dark background. So being able to select a range of skins would be great.
These are good ones. #1 is huge. Need to go to the bottom of threads 99% of the time. We lose so many readers because they can't reasonably reply to a conversation. Bottom is the most important and the one thing that they can't get. Top and last read are okay although the last read option never takes them to the last place that they read so it isn't very useful.
Selectable themes would be nice. We can't get people to agree on a theme at all