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Different theme per category?!

General Discussion
  • Is it possible to have a new theme for each category?

  • I don't believe this is currently implemented at this time. However you can manipulate the category.tpl the following way:

    Using the {cid} value, you can explicitly change the CSS based on the category number. Using a wrapper div or whatever you choose. I am currently manipulating div's to change styles and background image per category. This has worked for me. @psychobunny may implement a better solution for this but right now, this is the best way to do it and it works nicely.

    <div class="category-{cid}> ... </div>

    So the class would be .class-#, replace # with category number.
    That's the easy part, the headache would be of course styling per category of course, but hey... :squirrel: it shouldn't be a problem either.

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