Troubleshooting recent cards plugin not showing any topics
@baris said in 3.4.0 Upgrade Support:
Ahh sorry that console.log should be wrapped like this
if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 123) {
console.log('checkVisibility', data, isVisible, isHidden, isExpired);
}Ok I resume @baris :
I check this part of code on /src/widgets/index.js L95-L111 and replace by this and change 123 by my UID :
widgets.checkVisibility = async function (data, uid) { let isVisible = true; let isHidden = false; if (data.groups.length) { isVisible = await groups.isMemberOfAny(uid, data.groups); } if (data.groupsHideFrom.length) { isHidden = await groups.isMemberOfAny(uid, data.groupsHideFrom); } const isExpired = ( (data.startDate && < new Date(data.startDate).getTime()) || (data.endDate && > new Date(data.endDate).getTime()) ); if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 123) { console.log('checkVisibility', data, isVisible, isHidden, isExpired); } return isVisible && !isHidden && !isExpired; };
Restart nodebb and check log
-- For my UID, here an example so my UID is 5, Am I good?
OK I test that ASAP, thanks
Done what you want
Here is what I have on nodebb log CLI, I don't see Recent Card Widget
checkVisibility { html: '<div id="info">\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<ul class="list-unstyled announcements-widget">\r\n' + '\t<li class="card card-header border rounded mb-3">\r\n' + '\t\t<center>\r\n' + ' <a class="text-lg text-nowrap" href="">\r\n' + `\t\t\t<strong><i class='fa fa-fw fa-fire-flame-curved link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i> Le wiki est de nouveau en ligne <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></strong>\r\n` + '\t\t</a>\r\n' + '\t\t<p class="mb-3">\r\n' + '\t\t\t Pour peupler ce wiki plus rapidement, nous recherchons des personnes sérieuses, compétentes et responsable. Si vous souhaitez participer à la rédaction du wiki de Planète Warez, vous pouvez contacter le <a href="/groups/team">staff</a> ou <a href="/user/violence">@Violence</a> pour de plus amples informations. \r\n' + '\t\t</p>\r\n' + ' </center>\r\n' + '\t</li>\r\n' + '</ul>\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '\r\n' + '</div>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Informations', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '\r\n' + '<style>\r\n' + ' {\r\n' + ' text-align: center;\r\n' + '}\r\n' + '</style>\r\n' + '<div id="stats-pro">\r\n' + ' \r\n' + '<div class="progress mt-4 stats-bar" style="height: 8px;">\r\n' + '{{{ each categories }}}\r\n' + '<div class="progress-bar-github" role="progressbar" style="width: {./totalTopicCount}%;background-color: {./bgColor};" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"></div>\r\n' + '{{{ end }}}\r\n' + '</div>\r\n' + ' \r\n' + '<div class="stats-info text-sm mt-1 mb-3">\r\n' + '{{{ each categories }}}\r\n' + '<a href="/category/{./cid}/{./name}"><span class="mb-3 me-2 fw-semibold text-nowrap"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-solid fa-2xs fa-circle" style="color: {./bgColor};font-weight: 900;"></i> {./name}</a><span class="text-xs text-muted">({./totalTopicCount})</span></span>\r\n' + '{{{ end }}}\r\n' + '</div>\r\n' + ' \r\n' + '</div>\r\n', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Categories Stats (Github style)', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { statsClass: '', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { numUsers: '', title: '', container: '<center>\r\n' + '<h5 class="theme-row-header">Online Users</i><div id="onlineusers">{{body}}</div>\r\n' + '</center>\r\n' + '<br>\r\n', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<center>\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '<img id="thislogo" src="#">\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '<br>\r\n' + '</center>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Custom footer logo v3', container: '', groups: [ 'unverified-users', 'verified-users', 'registered-users', 'guests', 'spiders', 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<div data-widget-area="footer">\r\n' + '\t<div id="console-root">\r\n' + '\t\t<div id="console-nav-tab"><i class="fa-solid fa-angles-down down" style=""></i>\r\n' + '\t\t</div>\r\n' + '\t\t\t<div id="console-nav-footer" style="">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t<div id="footer-content">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t<div id="floatleft">\r\n' + ' <!-- <img class="footer-image" src=""> --> \r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="copyright">©2023</div> \r\n' + ' <div class="socialicons">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="margin-left">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="/rules" class="fas fa-scroll"></a>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="margin-left">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="/groups/team/members" class="fas fa-users"></a>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n' + ' <div class="margin-left">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="/about" class="fas fa-timeline-arrow"></a>\r\n' + ' </div>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="margin-left">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="" class="fab fa-wikipedia-w"></a>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div> \r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<!-- <div class="margin-left">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="/category/4/commentaires-et-retours" class="fas fa-bug"></a>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div> -->\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<!-- <span id="thisuser" class="getUsername">, <a href="/me"><span class="username">DownPW</span></a></span> -->\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <div id="floatcenter">\r\n' + "\t\t\t\t\t\tL'actualité Warez & underground en continu\r\n" + '\t\t\t\t\t</div> \r\n' + '\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t<div id="floatright">\r\n' + '\t\t\t\t\t\t<!-- <a class="feedback-menu-far-right" 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position-fixed start-50 bottom-0 translate-middle-x gap-2 p-2 rounded-top shadow align-items-center w-70 justify-content-center" id="dock-panel">\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/categories" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Accueil"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-house"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/me" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Mon Profil"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-user-astronaut"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/me/edit" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Éditer Profil"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-edit"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/me/theme" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Theme Settings"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-swatchbook"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/me/bookmarks" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Mes bookmarks"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-bookmark"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/me/topics" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Mes topics"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-message-text"></i></a>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <div class="dropdown">\r\n' + ' <button class="btn-ghost p-2 shadow-none" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" onclick="app.newTopic(0);"><span class="title-tooltip top-new-topic" tooltip-text="Nouveau topic"><i class="fa fa-2x fa-plus-square text-primary" id="dock-panel-topic-button"></i>\r\n' + ' </button>\r\n' + ' </div>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/rules" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Règlements"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-scroll"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/category/1/réglement-annonces" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Annonces"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-newspaper"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/groups/team" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="La Team PW"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-people"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/category/45/tutoriels" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Les tutoriels"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-database"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="/category/4/commentaires-et-retours" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Signaler un Bug"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-bug"></i></a>\r\n' + ' <a class="btn btn-light shadow-none" href="" role="button"><span class="title-tooltip top" tooltip-text="Le Wiki de PW"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-brands fa-wikipedia-w"></i></a>\r\n' + '\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' </li>\r\n' + '</div>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Menu Dock ', container: '', groups: [ 'unverified-users', 'verified-users', 'registered-users', 'guests', 'spiders', 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { cid: '', topicsFromCid: '', topicsTids: '', teaserPost: 'first', sort: 'recent', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'unverified-users', 'Global Moderators', 'administrators', 'verified-users', 'registered-users', 'banned-users', 'guests', 'spiders', 'indigostar-WC', 'Messages à valider', 'Trolls', 'DDL', 'Usenet', 'Pastafariste', 'Seeder', 'I.T Guy', '# Dev', 'Geek', 'Rebelle', 'Windowsien', 'Apple User', 'Ciné-Séries Club', 'Gamers', 'Torrent user', 'PW Addict', 'Anime Lovers 💛', 'GNU-Linux User', 'Warez Club', 'IPTV Réponse autorisée', 'Modérateurs', 'Helper IPTV', 'Team', 'Modo IPTV', 'IPTV VIP', 'all', 'Tech' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<br>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Space', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<div id="rules">\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<ul class="list-unstyled announcements-widget">\r\n' + '\r\n' + '\t<li class="card card-header border rounded mb-3">\r\n' + '\t\t<center> \r\n' + '\t\t<p class="mb-0">\r\n' + `\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class="text-lg text-nowrap" href="/rules">\r\n` + '\t\t\t <strong>Règlement :</strong>\r\n' + "\t\t </a> Les liens illégaux, demandes d'invitations et abos IPTV sont interdits.\r\n" + '\t\t</p>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <p class="mb-0">\r\n' + `\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-circle-info link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class="text-lg text-nowrap" href="/topic/4299/annonce-nodebb-mise-%C3%A0-jour-du-forum-en-v3-4-1">\r\n` + '\t\t\t <strong>Mise à jour du forum v3.4.1 : </strong>\r\n' + "\t\t </a> Merci de lire le topic dédié pour plus d'informations.\r\n" + '\t\t</p>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' </center>\r\n' + '\t</li>\r\n' + '</ul>\r\n' + '\r\n' + '</div>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Rules', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<div data-widget-area="brand-header" class="ms-auto gap-3 p-2 align-self-center">\r\n' + '\t<div class="text-center d-none d-md-flex gap-1"> \r\n' + ' <div class="btn-group bottom-sheet">\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <div class="getUsername">, <a href="/me"><span class="username"></span></a></div>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <button type="button" class="btn-ghost-sm d-flex gap-2 dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">\r\n' + ' <i class="fa fa-fw fa-link link-primary" aria-hidden="true"></i>\r\n' + ' <span class="visible-md-inline visible-lg-inline fw-semibold">Menu <b class="caret"></b></span>\r\n' + ' </button>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <ul id="linkmenu" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end account-sub-links" style="">\r\n' + ' <li><a class="dropdown-item rounded-1" href="/politique"><i class="fa-solid fa-lg fa-shield-halved text-primary linkmenu"></i></i>Politique</a></li> \r\n' + ' <li><a class="dropdown-item 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'registered-users', 'banned-users', 'guests', 'spiders', 'indigostar-WC', 'Messages à valider', 'Trolls', 'DDL', 'Usenet', 'Pastafariste', 'Seeder', 'I.T Guy', '# Dev', 'Geek', 'Rebelle', 'Windowsien', 'Apple User', 'Ciné-Séries Club', 'Gamers', 'Torrent user', 'PW Addict', 'Anime Lovers 💛', 'GNU-Linux User', 'Warez Club', 'IPTV Réponse autorisée', 'Modérateurs', 'Helper IPTV', 'Team', 'Modo IPTV', 'IPTV VIP', 'all', 'Tech' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false checkVisibility { html: '<br>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Space', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false
checkVisibility { html: '<div id="rules">\r\n' + '\r\n' + '<ul class="list-unstyled announcements-widget">\r\n' + '\r\n' + '\t<li class="card card-header border rounded mb-3">\r\n' + '\t\t<center> \r\n' + '\t\t<p class="mb-0">\r\n' + `\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class="text-lg text-nowrap" href="/rules">\r\n` + '\t\t\t <strong>Règlement :</strong>\r\n' + "\t\t </a> Les liens illégaux, demandes d'invitations et abos IPTV sont interdits.\r\n" + '\t\t</p>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' <p class="mb-0">\r\n' + `\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-circle-info link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class="text-lg text-nowrap" href="/topic/4299/annonce-nodebb-mise-%C3%A0-jour-du-forum-en-v3-4-1">\r\n` + '\t\t\t <strong>Mise à jour du forum v3.4.1 : </strong>\r\n' + "\t\t </a> Merci de lire le topic dédié pour plus d'informations.\r\n" + '\t\t</p>\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' </center>\r\n' + '\t</li>\r\n' + '</ul>\r\n' + '\r\n' + '</div>', cid: '', tid: '', title: 'Rules', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false
-- And here the result of mongo command on nodebb DB
nodebb> db.objects.findOne({_key: "widgets:categories.tpl"}).header; [{"widget":"recentCards","data":{"cid":"","topicsFromCid":"","topicsTids":"","teaserPost":"first","sort":"recent","title":"","container":"","groups":["unverified-users","Global Moderators","administrators","verified-users","registered-users","banned-users","guests","spiders","indigostar-WC","Messages à valider","Trolls","DDL","Usenet","Pastafariste","Seeder","I.T Guy","# Dev","Geek","Rebelle","Windowsien","Apple User","Ciné-Séries Club","Gamers","Torrent user","PW Addict","Anime Lovers 💛","GNU-Linux User","Warez Club","IPTV Réponse autorisée","Modérateurs","Helper IPTV","Team","Modo IPTV","IPTV VIP","all","Tech"],"startDate":"","endDate":""}},{"widget":"html","data":{"html":"<br>","cid":"","tid":"","title":"Space","container":"","groups":"all","startDate":"","endDate":""}},{"widget":"html","data":{"html":"<div id=\"rules\">\r\n\r\n<ul class=\"list-unstyled announcements-widget\">\r\n\r\n\t<li class=\"card card-header border rounded mb-3\">\r\n\t\t<center> \r\n\t\t<p class=\"mb-0\">\r\n\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class=\"text-lg text-nowrap\" href=\"/rules\">\r\n\t\t\t <strong>Règlement :</strong>\r\n\t\t </a> Les liens illégaux, demandes d'invitations et abos IPTV sont interdits.\r\n\t\t</p>\r\n\r\n <p class=\"mb-0\">\r\n\t\t\t <i class='fa fa-fw fa-circle-info link-primary' aria-hidden='true'></i><a class=\"text-lg text-nowrap\" href=\"/topic/4299/annonce-nodebb-mise-%C3%A0-jour-du-forum-en-v3-4-1\">\r\n\t\t\t <strong>Mise à jour du forum v3.4.1 : </strong>\r\n\t\t </a> Merci de lire le topic dédié pour plus d'informations.\r\n\t\t</p>\r\n\r\n </center>\r\n\t</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n</div>","cid":"","tid":"","title":"Rules","container":"","groups":"all","startDate":"","endDate":""}}] nodebb>
->I confirm, the bug is just for admin users
This is the recent cards widget and looks like the values are correct. Although you seem to be have forgotten to add the last value in the console.log so it is only displaying
true false
checkVisibility { cid: '', topicsFromCid: '', topicsTids: '', teaserPost: 'first', sort: 'recent', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'unverified-users', 'Global Moderators', 'administrators', 'verified-users', 'registered-users', 'banned-users', 'guests', 'spiders', 'indigostar-WC', 'Messages à valider', 'Trolls', 'DDL', 'Usenet', 'Pastafariste', 'Seeder', 'I.T Guy', '# Dev', 'Geek', 'Rebelle', 'Windowsien', 'Apple User', 'Ciné-Séries Club', 'Gamers', 'Torrent user', 'PW Addict', 'Anime Lovers 💛', 'GNU-Linux User', 'Warez Club', 'IPTV Réponse autorisée', 'Modérateurs', 'Helper IPTV', 'Team', 'Modo IPTV', 'IPTV VIP', 'all', 'Tech' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false
You will have to debug further with console.logs and see what is causing the issue. Best place to put more console.logs is the
function in the same file. I suggest removing all other widgets on that page so you don't get extra logs and just wrap your console.logs in the sameparseInt(uid, 10) === 5
check so you don't get tons of noise. -
Thank you @baris for help me to debug this problem that I would like to solve
@baris said in 3.4.0 Upgrade Support:
This is the recent cards widget and looks like the values are correct. Although you seem to be have forgotten to add the last value in the console.log so it is only displaying true false
Here is the code I have added before rebuild and restart (like you said) :widgets.checkVisibility = async function (data, uid) { let isVisible = true; let isHidden = false; if (data.groups.length) { isVisible = await groups.isMemberOfAny(uid, data.groups); } if (data.groupsHideFrom.length) { isHidden = await groups.isMemberOfAny(uid, data.groupsHideFrom); } const isExpired = ( (data.startDate && < new Date(data.startDate).getTime()) || (data.endDate && > new Date(data.endDate).getTime()) ); if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 5) { console.log('checkVisibility', data, isVisible, isHidden, isExpired); } return isVisible && !isHidden && !isExpired; };
If I need to add something, tell me.
@baris said in 3.4.0 Upgrade Support:
You will have to debug further with console.logs and see what is causing the issue. Best place to put more console.logs is the renderWidget function in the same file. I suggest removing all other widgets on that page so you don't get extra logs and just wrap your console.logs in the same parseInt(uid, 10) === 5 check so you don't get tons of noise.
Can you more explain. If I understand, it's the function in the same file on L48 to L93 ?
if yes, I don't know where to put the code :if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 5) { console.log('checkVisibility', data, isVisible, isHidden, isExpired); }
@DownPW I've added some console.logs to the function
, replace the one in your code with this one. Then move all other widgets on the categories.tpl to the draft area so they don't clutter the logs. Once you restart nodebb load the categories page and it should output all of these logs if everything is working.async function renderWidget(widget, uid, options) { if (!widget || ! || (!!['hide-mobile'] && options.req.useragent.isMobile)) { return; } const isVisible = await widgets.checkVisibility(, uid); if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 5) { console.log(`is widget visible? ${widget.widget}`, isVisible); } if (!isVisible) { return; } let config = options.res.locals.config || {}; if (options.res.locals.isAPI) { config = await apiController.loadConfig(options.req); } const userLang = config.userLang || meta.config.defaultLang || 'en-GB'; const templateData = _.assign({ }, options.templateData, { config: config }); const data = await`filter:widget.render:${widget.widget}`, { uid: uid, area: options, templateData: templateData, data:, req: options.req, res: options.res, }); if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 5) { console.log(`is widget renderered? ${widget.widget}`, data && data.html); } if (!data) { return; } let { html } = data; if ( &&'{body}')) { html = await Benchpress.compileRender(, { title:, body: html, template: data.templateData && data.templateData.template, }); } if (html) { html = await translator.translate(html, userLang); } if (parseInt(uid, 10) === 5) { console.log(`is widget translated? ${widget.widget}`, html && html.length); } return { html }; }
Ok Thank you. Do it now
Here the result :
checkVisibility { cid: '', topicsFromCid: '', topicsTids: '', teaserPost: 'first', sort: 'recent', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false is widget visible? recentCards true is widget renderered? recentCards is widget translated? recentCards 1
I confirm that it is not visible
What is strange is that if I put the "All" group in "Select groups to show topics from" on config widget, the widget is displayed for the admins but I do not have all the latest answers in it and the other users, other than admin have the same distorted rendering they didn't have before.
Looks like it is being rendered but it just returns an empty string, now you need to add some console.logs in the recent-cards plugin to pinpoint where that is happening.
The file you need to modify is at
, there is a function calledplugin.renderWidget
there, replace it with the one below, restart nodebb and let me know the output.plugin.renderWidget = async function (widget) { if (!isVisibleInCategory(widget)) { return null; } const topics = await getTopics(widget); if (parseInt(widget.uid, 10) === 5) { console.log(`how many topics?`, topics.length); } const sort = || 'recent'; const sorts = { create: sort === 'create', recent: sort === 'recent', posts: sort === 'posts', votes: sort === 'votes', }; widget.html = await app.renderAsync('partials/nodebb-plugin-recent-cards/header', { topics: topics, config: widget.templateData.config, title: || '', sorts: sorts, carouselMode: plugin.settings.get('enableCarousel'), }); if (parseInt(widget.uid, 10) === 5) { console.log(`is recent cards rendered ?`, widget.html); } return widget; };
Ok do it know
checkVisibility { cid: '', topicsFromCid: '', topicsTids: '', teaserPost: 'last-post', sort: 'recent', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'administrators', 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false is widget visible? recentCards true how many topics? 0 is recent cards rendered ? is widget renderered? recentCards is widget translated? recentCards 1
@DownPW looks like 0 topics are loaded for your user account, now in the same file there is another function called
replace it with the below and let me know the output.async function getTopics(widget) { async function getTopicsFromSet(set, start, stop) { let tids = await db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore(set, start, stop,, '-inf'); tids = await topics.filterNotIgnoredTids(tids, widget.uid); let topicsData = await topics.getTopics(tids, { uid: widget.uid, teaserPost: || 'first', }); topicsData = await user.blocks.filter(widget.uid, topicsData); return { topics: topicsData }; } let topicsData = { topics: [], }; let filterCids = getIdsArray(, 'topicsFromCid'); if (!filterCids.length && widget.templateData.cid) { filterCids = [parseInt(widget.templateData.cid, 10)]; } = || 'recent'; let fromGroups = || []; if (fromGroups && !Array.isArray(fromGroups)) { fromGroups = [fromGroups]; } // hard coded to show these topic tids only const topicsTids = getIdsArray(, 'topicsTids'); if (topicsTids.length) { topicsData.topics = await topics.getTopics(topicsTids, { uid: widget.uid, teaserPost: || 'first', }); } else if (fromGroups.length) { const uids = _.uniq(_.flatten(await groups.getMembersOfGroups(fromGroups))); const sets = => { if (filterCids.length) { return => `cid:${cid}:uid:${uid}:tids`); } return `uid:${uid}:topics`; }); topicsData = await getTopicsFromSet(sets.flat(), 0, 19); topicsData.topics.sort((t1, t2) => { if ( === 'recent') { return t2.lastposttime - t1.lastposttime; } else if ( === 'votes') { return t2.votes - t1.votes; } else if ( === 'posts') { return t2.postcount - t1.postcount; } return 0; }); } else if (filterCids.length) { let searchSuffix = ''; if ( === 'recent') { searchSuffix += ':lastposttime'; } else if ( === 'votes' || === 'posts') { searchSuffix += `:${}`; } topicsData = await getTopicsFromSet( => `cid:${cid}:tids${searchSuffix}`), 0, 19 ); } else { topicsData = await topics.getSortedTopics({ uid: widget.uid, start: 0, stop: 19, sort:, teaserPost: || 'first', }); console.log(' loaded topics =>', topicsData.topics.length); // filter out scheduled topicsData.topics = topicsData.topics.filter(t => t && !t.scheduled); console.log(' scheduled topics filtered =>', topicsData.topics.length); } let i = 0; const cids = []; let finalTopics = []; if (!plugin.settings.get('enableCarousel')) { while (finalTopics.length < 4 && i < topicsData.topics.length) { const cid = parseInt(topicsData.topics[i].cid, 10); if (filterCids.length || !cids.includes(cid)) { cids.push(cid); finalTopics.push(topicsData.topics[i]); } i += 1; } } else { finalTopics = topicsData.topics; } console.log(' finalsTopics =>', finalTopics.length); return finalTopics; }
checkVisibility { cid: '', topicsFromCid: '', topicsTids: '', teaserPost: 'last-post', sort: 'recent', title: '', container: '', groups: [ 'administrators', 'all' ], startDate: '', endDate: '', groupsHideFrom: [] } true false is widget visible? recentCards true loaded topics => 20 scheduled topics filtered => 0 finalsTopics => 0 how many topics? 0 is recent cards rendered ? is widget renderered? recentCards is widget translated? recentCards 1
Yeah that's why, recent cards plugin is loading the most recent 20 topics and then filtering the ones that are scheduled since you have more than 20, nothing is left to display. I will make small change in recent-cards plugin so it loads more if they are all scheduled.