Installing nodebb on digital ocean 0.8v
The guide which nodebb provide link is unable to load and i would like to know when will the guide be loaded. I currently follow other guide but i reach to the point where the error is : NodeBB could nto connect to your redis database. redis returned the following error redis connection to my digital ocean data base failed - connect econnrefused
thanks if anybody can help me.
if anyone is wondering the website which was linked is down and it is this one
- Create Droplet
- Give your preferred Droplet name “Test” (please given the name u want, I will use “Test” for this example.
- Select Droplet Size as required ($5, with 512 MB is sufficient)
- Choose Desire Region for Droplet
- Select Default Image Ubuntu 14.04 X 64
- Ignore SSH Option
- Create Droplet
- Your IP Address/Initial root Password of the Droplet Sent to your email id.
- Login root & password sent. (either use digital ocean console or putty for windows)
- Create a new user “ngsankar”(please give your desired user id and note the password being given) and give “sudo” access to the user with following command at root
a. root@test:~# adduser ngsankar
b. **root@test:~# **adduser ngsankar sudo - logout of root
- login again to the droplet using “ngsankar” and use the password given at the user creation
- Execute the following commands
a. ngsankar@test:~$ sudo apt-get install git nodejs nodejs-legacy npm redis-server imagemagick build-essential
b. ngsankar@test:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server
c. ngsankar@test:~$ sudo apt-get update
d. ngsankar@test:~$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
e. ngsankar@test:~$ git clone -b v0.8.x nodebb
f. ngsankar@test:~$ cd nodebb
g. ngsankar@test:~$ npm install --production
h. ngsankar@test:~$ npm start
i. ngsankar@test:~$ ./nodebb setup (Go with default values for all the quesitons here, except for user name / password , you can decide, which will be nodebb admin...)
j. ngsankar@test:~$ ./nodebb start
k. ngsankar@test:~$ node app (check if nodebb is running properly) - Now you can see nodebb @ yourip:4567, and welcome to nodebb !!! !!!
@ngsankar is proof of why this community is so awesome. Just two weeks ago s/he joined and asked a question, admitting they were a "noobie", but got it resolved via help from other community members.
Two weeks later @ngsankar is already helping someone else. Keep up the good work, your guide is better than mine!
Just as a FYI, digital ocean offers I think $50 if you submit a detailed guide for installing software like NodeBB on their platform. Worth looking into.
@psychobunny thanks for those good words. Being a newbee, i had done number of trial and error on installation and noted down the steps for my reference. if its useful for someone , happy to share being part of the community. Thanks for ur suggestion for write-up on digital ocean, i will try to make it more detailed and simpler and post it when i hv little time.