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  • Configuring nodebb-plugin-fusionauth-oidc settings at runtime

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    @Neeru-Gupta We tried using the same plugin,nodebb-plugin-fusionauth-oidc for authenticating through the keycloak provider but While rebuilding & restarting after installing our Nodebb app breaks. We are unable to proceed further. We have to again clone the whole code to get started with. Could you please share with me the steps on how you have done & configured it? We are using another plugin now as nodebb-plugin-sso-oidc which we are able to install & configure. But we are getting SSL protocol error while trying to login
  • Best practice: Temporarily revoke writing permissions?

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    Hello. I am quite new to NodeBB. Is there a best practice or a proposed way to temporarily revoke a user's permission to post to the forum? Only allowing reading for a certain amount of time? I saw that a user can be banned (= from logging in) and I can also set a timer when the ban is being lifted automatically. Is it easier to edit the single user's permissions or is there a quicker way using groups - although thinking of the situation - after a certain time of hour/days - when the permission are given back and the user is allowed to post again. Thanks in advance!
  • 2.0.1 release not includes 2.0.1 milestone

    2 Votes
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    @julian thanks so much.
  • Enter the NodeBB & Meatgistics Giveaway!

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    [image: 1653261202037-48a95245-1aae-4d34-9f78-ec2e22769d19-nodebb-giveaway.png] We want to get you ready for summer BBQs with our ⁣NodeBB and @meatgistics Summer Giveaway! Enter to win a $70 Prize Pack from Meatgistics and some cool NodeBB swag. Easy ways to enter: ⁣ Follow us on Instagram or Facebook Like the post OR Share this post to your story Comment and tag 2 of your friends (each comment is one entry) Good luck!
  • Hello I'm AJB2K3 and I would like some help.

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    @AJB2K3 Glad you got it sorted. And welcome to NodeBB!
  • 20i FOSS awards - Why no NodeBB ?

    4 Votes
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    Eh it's called... Marketing. Wha'd I win... Dinner for two?
  • "Popular Searches" on Dashboard

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    ыв аыафЫ
    By the way, this annoys me too, how can I turn it off?
  • EU - Digital ID

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    Is there any NodeBB instance with over 45 million monthly active users in the EU? If not, then there is no requirement for NodeBB to implement any integration with any of this (and even then, at that point I imagine its maintainers can handle it themselves), and that's assuming the most ambitious option passes, as there are currently three with different levels of ambition proposed: Option 1 is just harmonization of eIDs across EU. Currently there is no requirement for member states to "notify" of their eIDAS scheme, which essentially means they don't have to let others use their eIDs in their (currently only public) services. Some states elected to do so and chose to allow other eIDs in their public services too, but some didn't. Poland for example didn't notify the EU of its eIDAS scheme AFAIK, so while I can use it for public services here, it's useless anywhere else in the EU. Option 2 involves expanding the scope of eIDAS outside of public services for access to information about a person. However, it only proposes requiring relying on this for already regulated sectors, such as energy and finance. But from my understanding it's basically still just about when a service requires a real identity anyway. Option 3 is the most ambitious one, and it's the one proposing the creation of the "European Digital Identity Wallet" - a more centralized* way of managing the eID, and also identities for more online services, while allowing the user to control the amount of data shared. This is the closes to relevance for NodeBB, but even this doesn't add a requirement to actually implement this for anyone outside of regulated sectors, which at least here also includes "very large online platforms" (which seems vague, but is actually defined in Digital Services Act as online platforms which provide their services to a number of average monthly active recipients in the Union equal to or higher than 45 million. That number will also increase with larger changes in the EU population, so that it continues to be around 10% of EU population) There is even a section in the proposal on impact on SMEs. The language there seems quite clear on it being something the EU wants to be desirable to implement and not forced: Removing commonly reported barriers to SME uptake of eID and trust service solutions, such as complexity and lack of information, is therefore likely to support an increase in uptake up to slightly under half of SMEs (47%), and enable an additional 3 in 10 SMEs to access the benefits estimated. And this from my understanding includes using eIDAS as end-user - so the goal isn't even for half of small to medium businesses to even use eID themselves, much less integrate with it themselves. About it, the document even has to say this: SMEs would need to identify a strong business case in order to deploy the necessary resources and develop the wallet and conclude agreements with other players in the Wallet ecosystem e.g. credential providers). So it very much recognizes it's not for everyone. But If you just want to read it yourself, you can find the proposal here: And the impact assessment: So TL;DR: while one may have differing opinions on whether this direction foe eID is a good idea at all (I personally think that it will help with services that already had to identify you anyway, especially cross-broder, but for the rest I'm okay with most of it since it's not mandatory to use or even have eID), it doesn't impact NodeBB in any currently proposed form. Other than potentially allowing for development of an eIDAS authentication plugin sometime down the line if somebody wanted to do it *there are sub options for what this means, but I think the option of one EU-wide app developed directly by the EU was actually discarded.
  • Receiving unwanted emails to secondary gmail account

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    Neil SchipperN
    @PitaJ Are you sure you didn't sign up for two accounts with two different users? I earlier wondered about that so I tried logging in using the alt gmail and was taken to a screen requesting I accept their access to info agreement, as if I were registering. I did not proceed. So strong implication is that being signed up under that account was not my issue (though it's not 100% because maybe terms of usage had changed, or due to a long time of inactivity, system requires a re-confirmation procedure). Could you try hitting the unsubscribe link in the email you receive? Now that's such a good idea, I expose myself as a doofus. The most recent email (to secondary account) had two links at the bottom: [image: 1651635295418-c02018f8-9f7f-40d5-80f6-267f2b7a25dc-image.png] First I tried the alter settings link: [image: 1651635366572-1d237bb6-c7f9-4b1b-a2fd-faa8c0f4a690-image.png] Interesting, huh? Then I tried unsubscribe link: [image: 1651635429571-66f1f8ef-e3ee-4f63-b29b-d084881e836a-image.png] I guess we'll see if that eliminates the nuisance emails. The existence of the problem however remains mysterious. ... Now, after typing all the above, I notice the link for the alter settings action is simply https://<SiteThatUsesNodeBB>/user/<AlternGmailAcct>/settings which prods me to try the link with the trailing /settings removed, and I see it's valid, and it shows: [image: 1651636764877-996a5259-b46f-4db6-814a-d78e1d3980a9-image.png] Well I know from my notes that I was learning to access the site on that date, so apparently I did inadvertently activate that alternate account at that time. Thank you, PitaJ. I should have been able to solve this without your help.
  • Adding custom meta tags on nodebb login page

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    @Nipun-Kataria via a plugin, yes. There are hooks for you to add meta tags to specific pages.
  • Anyone using a Wyze Cam?

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    @jerrileeh Might just end up playing around with a Raspberry Pi camera
  • Forum reset

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    @LEVI-HAVIV you have to press the round arrow at the top left
  • NodeBB install fail

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    @PitaJ Thank you!
  • Urgent help How to turn off maintenance through the server

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    If you can't get into the admin page you can run this from the cli to turn off maintenance mode. db.objects.update({_key: "config"}, {$set: {"maintenanceMode": 0}}); Then restarte nodebb and it should be disabled.
  • How to embed NodeBB into Softr

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    @chackerian Maybe? I have no idea what Softr is, but a generic look-through doesn't suggest that it's possible, but I suppose the sky's the limit. NodeBB requires access to the command line on the server, and Node.js running on the backend, so I don't think they'd support it unless they explicitly say so. Have you reached out to Softr to ask?
  • One site with nodebb & WordPress

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    @8shlomi said in One site with nodebb & WordPress: @crazycells said in One site with nodebb & WordPress: @8shlomi said in One site with nodebb & WordPress: I have 2 projects one WordPress and the other nodebb are currently stored on different servers, I want both to be on the same domain Is this possible? This is very important to me because of Google promotion, thanks! yes, you can install NodeBB as subfolder... we use .com/forum as our forum location, and .com is our WP site... How do you install nodebb in a subfolder? (I realized it is not possible in ftp) I am not the back-end person but I know we created a "forum" sub-folder first and installed the NodeBB there, and then did the nginx settings according to NodeBB documentation. I believe nginx setting is the key here... Please check this documentation out: especially this page:
  • This topic is deleted!

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  • Detect if Modal is on screen

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    @julian said in Detect if Modal is on screen: I'm not sure if that one bubbles though. Yes. It should bubble. To check: // SOME MSG let msg = "Something"; alert(msg); Above will ( or at least should ) "print" Something
  • Account destroyed upon signing in with second OAuth provider

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    1 Posts
    I created an account already, but it was just destroyed when I signed in via Github. I had already signed in using Google, did it malfunction?
  • Is CLA still required to contrbute to NodeBB?

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    @macfan that's understandable, I know not everybody is comfortable signing their contributions away, so they are welcome to fork NodeBB for their own purposes. Contributions back upstream are welcome and encouraged but not required