@julian I did actually use git stash then git pop and my whole template was broken for some reason. I didn't spend enough time to figure out if it was caching issues as there's only like 3 lines I changed in 3 files so it was quick to recover from, but I was thinking for the future.
I did rename some of the categories to use them - however - my forum is only using 4 right now.
I'd suggest that the NodeBB install only come with 1 or 2 pre configured categories if you won't allow deletion of any existing ones. Can I delete them from the redis database in the meantime? They are all indeed empty.
My website is developed using node.js as an express app. Could someone give me any pointers on how I could use NodeBB's user signup / auth system / user session in my express app too?
Is it possible to hook into the NodeBB app so it and my website app run in the same node process and share user session that way? Or would it be better to separate the node processes and communicate user info another way?
@StuartH, you'll also notice that pesky little box around the "Search" button is gone now.
Thanks to Bootswatch creator @thomashpark, who went and fixed it up lickity split
Yep looks much better for that small change, says the man who has no clue
Haha, thanks for the kind words @theepiphany! We really appreciate it.
You'll notice several Canadian-isms in NodeBB still. (e.g. the "favourite" button)
Let us know where your forum is, we'd love to add it to our unofficial directory!
Dunno.. I'm on Digital Ocean now but I have not updated to the latest version of NodeBB yet I'll probably do that tonight or tomorrow.
I'll retest then.
@psychobunny Good timing and works well, thanks!
One issue i can see is that the button groups are mis-aligned with multiple groups. Tested on chrome, safari and firefox with a clean cache.