If German was English
The meaning in terms of a singular object has evolved from the meaning in terms of a kit of objects, e.g. Feuerzeug was originally a flint stone and a fire striker, Nähzeug (sewing kit) and Sportzeug (sports equipment) are still being used in that manner.
German is weird in more ways, namely word ordering
Sie dürfen nicht ein Feuerzeug mit ins Flugzeug nehmen
You're not allowed to a fire stuff with you in flight stuff bring
But all languages are weird. Here's some french for you
qu'est-ce que c'est?
I don't have the proper knowledge to translate this properly but it's something like "wh'is-at what that is" (its the way they say "what is that")
And Swedish, my native language
I eftermiddags åt jag jordgubbar. Nu ska jag äta middag.
This after middle day ate i soil old men. Now I'm going to eat middle day. (This afternoon I ate strawberrys. Now I'm going to eat dinner)
Given that Swedish is my native language I'd also like to inform you that the English word "smorgasbord" is completely ridiculous. It's literally just the Swedish word "smörgåsdsbord" but without å and ö, so it's pronounced completely wrong. The word smörgås is however also a bit weird, it literally means "butter goose". So your English word smorgasbord means "butter goose table". Also window means wind eye, it's the old Swedish word "vindöga"
I've loved Anglish for a long time, but my favorite example is Uncleftish Beholding a scientific paper written in Anglish. "Stuff" turns out to be a pretty logical way to explain shit.
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[email protected] has a leak sprung!
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I'm confused. The modern word in french is "reçu", which is pronounced something like "ruhsue". The English word is "receipt" but pronounced something like "ruhseet". There's no "ooh" sound in the original Latin, so it's not just a matter of adding extra or silent letters in there, it's a complete change to the vowel sounds, plus the re-addition of a 't' sound.
Specifically a tool, like a Werkzeug for example.
Well, English is always silly with the various silent letters. The worst are the silent letters that nonetheless change the pronunciation of the non-silent letters nearby.
Like, I saw a place today named "something-valu", with no "e" on the end. With no "e" it should really be pronounced "valoo". Adding the "e" somehow changes it to "valyoo". Rather than changing the vowel sound, it adds a consonant-like /j/ sound (IPA) to the start of that syllable.
TIL some StarCraft objects are called Zergzeug
I only did three months of research for this comic. Guess it still wasn't enough. Verdammte Bullenscheiße!
Common rookie mistake everyone knows you need four months
I've learned that
Hospital = Krakenhaus = Sick House
Ambulance = Krakenwagen = Sick Wagon
It actually makes sense.
Fun fact the term Hospital while derived from hospitality is mutated for context due to the Knights Hospitallers. They built quite a few outposts that quickly became associated with medicine because pilgrims are stupid.
"Stuff" should be translated as "tool", IMO.
The 打 in 打火機 is more like hit in this context. Makes a bit more sense with the way older lighters required you to flick it. But 打 is also used in a ton of contexts haha.
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Me laughing at germans for calling hospitals "sick houses".
Me realizing hospitals are called "hurty places" in my native language.
手机 = hand device (cellphone)
手机 = hand device (cellphone)
JīJī = [Redacted due to NSFW]
(I have no idea what the characters is supposed to look like, I just hear people say it 🤭)
(there's an unwritten glottal stop between those two ee's, for anyone wondering)
If it was about a real translation, I'd prefer 'device' instead.