Did you see Deadpool?
What are your reviews? I found the movie more of a disappointment, the build up was too much.
Saw it last night and I agree with you 100%
It was good, but it wasn't great, imo
@Scuzz said:
I watched it on Sunday.
It was what i was expecting. It's on the same level as Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is one of he better super hero films imo.
Worth watching but definitely over hyped.
Did you like ant man? I'd rate that higher than the off-brand marvel films (ex. Guardians, deadpool). I guess the hype for deadpool was what killed it for me, plus I read the comics. Also weird that deadpool actor is the green lantern, but I got over it after watching all those teaser trailers
@psychobunny I haven't seen Antman, I was told it wasn't very good. I'll have to give it a try.
I havent seen the green lantern either but i knew Ryan Reynolds played the Green Lantern, he also played the Deadpool in Xmen Origins: Wolverine.
Did you see Deadpool make jokes and references to those two films?
Hope NodeBB does better
@psychobunny I feel like for both ant-man and dead pool, for ant-man you'd have to like Paul Rudd humor, and for Dead Pool, you'd have to like Ryan Reynolds humor. I did like the jabs at the studio and The Green Lantern though
Hmm I did see Guardians of the Galaxy like 2 days ago. I really don't like movie theaters for some reason. I appear to like my damp rooms more ;). Anyhow, loved Guardians of the Galaxy, hope I can expect the same of Deadpool
@Kowlin said:
Hmm I did see Guardians of the Galaxy like 2 days ago. I really don't like movie theaters for some reason. I appear to like my damp rooms more ;). Anyhow, loved Guardians of the Galaxy, hope I can expect the same of Deadpool
Yeah, it's quite the same humour. I watched Deadpool two nights ago -- totally worth it. Loved every minute.