[nodebb-plugin-mentions] Username Mentions have landed!
@julian our forum has a custom composer.js that features full forum user autofill. Unfortunately it also requires a custom database function for doing a fuzzy search on the usernames.
@mouseluka said:
does not work with names containing the point
smth like this @mouse.luka
It should, since the slug for that would be mouse-luka. So @mouse-luka should actually mention the user mouse.luka.
@mouseluka you're right, it should. That's a bug
v0.4.1-2 Released
- Compatibility with v0.4.0 of NodeBB
- Mentions autocomplete should no longer suggest lower-case names even though the search results show proper capitalisation
- Usernamed with periods are better supported.
- Still a couple edge cases here and there, but working better than before.
@julian I m thinking if it is possible to @<group name> to "announce" to the whole group... I seems to have the group there but it does not works...
erased usernames are suggested by the plugin
thanks @baris , [email protected] fixes the issue.
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