Group Chat Changes
finally it's getting serious... xD -
Oh wauw, that looks amazing. Is there a ability to name group "rooms"?
@baris A good idea is that like telegram indicate that a message has been read by the user or not!
@baris you rockstar! This is such a killer feature!
@sanatisharif I can see that working out to be honest.
@julian have you guys thought about doing something like This feature is so killer, you could easily make a successful sister project
Nice. I guess many people will like this. I hope it can be disabled also.
I'm assuming each person only sees posts from after they're added to the room?
Perhaps @psychobunny needs to work some of his "-user- was added to the room" magic between posts.
Looking good @baris.
@julian I'm still waiting for the hidden features @psychobunny is releasing sooner or later,
@Kowlin said:
@exodo any reason you want a option to disable it?
Maybe not a disable, but instead make a max participant value. If the forum admin sets it to 2, then it would be no different than now.
I really want the feature. I cannot count the number of times I have had a chat going and then had to either backfire things to another person, or take it to another medium (Skype/hangouts) in order to get a group chat going.