vanilla and lavender future
Just want to know which is the future of this 2 official themes
i have seen many additions and effort in persona, many small tweaks etc and a lack of updates on other themes, just some breaking changes.
i know is a lot of job maintaining several themes so just wondering if custom themes based on vanilla or lavender should just move to a persona skeleton after 1.0thank you
I would definitely base your future themes on Persona. We try to backport breaking changes to Vanilla and Lavender (although admittedly, once in a while we do miss one or two), but in general all new features would only be implemented in Persona
I recommend to stick with Persona, until NodeBB devs hit release candidate or something.
For now too many braking changes, It took so much time to update my theme that is based on 1.x Persona. -
@Nicolas said:
I recommend to stick with Persona, until NodeBB devs hit release candidate or something.
For now too many braking changes, It took so much time to update my theme that is based on 1.x Persona.Well actually is easier to stick with vanilla for me cause its getting less commits and i dont follow any current theme layout but i want to update it to persona eventually on the future, just wondering if it gives some benefits in terms of speed etc @psychobunny
Haha nah I agree. We try to make sure lav and vanilla have all the core features and bug fixes backported, but the cool extras we develop uniquely for the current theme normally wouldn't (ex. ajaxify loading bar that was developed on lav wasn't added back to vanilla; the slide out menu on persona wasn't added to lav/vanilla, etc)
That said, I've been thinking of making all of those things modular, so you can add them to any theme
@psychobunny Whats the ETA on Persona being relatively stable? I'm basing my theme and saw this little comment. Made me kinda uneasy.
Its a pretty outdated comment, I should remove it. A lot of major stuff that I was planning in the first place for persona's account pages is already done, mostly by @baris actually
A most recent example is his password confirmation for editing important account fields.