request - ip blocking plugin
I disagree.
- It's easy to block ips in this manner on the firewall or hardware level.
- It's easy for someone to just change or spoof their ip.
It could be useful, yes, but it would not be much different from a regular ban. It could possibly keep people from making multiple accounts, but there are better and more effective ways to do that.
cache ban + ip bloking
- Login Detection
- Registration Prevention (Multiple Methods)
- Ignore Child Accounts
- Ignored Users
- Ignored Usergroups
- Ignored ISPs
- Prevention Usergroup
- IP Address Based Prevention
- Extended IP Address Prevention
- IP Address Time Inclusion
- Banned Account Check
- Primary Banned Usergroup
- Cookie Expiration Time
- Cookie Refreshing
- Cookie Name
- Cookie Reset
I disagree with ip filtering because most people use either dynamic ips or shared ips. This shouldnt be gold plated in the interface.
Now, a rate limit on ip new user creation, banning for a single day, etc looks reasonable.
@lombisi said:
cache banCan circumvent that too.
I've noticed I've not been too helpful here. To deter people from causing trouble, ignore them. Once they stop getting a reaction, they get bored. Stopping someone from gaining access, will cause them to try and gain access.
Look into Shadow banning, Reddit use it very effectively.
We have that as a plugin:
I've mentioned this before that I'm not a fan of the plugin (it was paid for by a client, that's why we built it) - but to each their own! I think it should work on latest, but I don't think its even published to npm
@psychobunny It has its uses, bla bla bla, I think we all had this conversation before Insert relevant topic here. But this does say that I need to follow your Github more.
@psychobunny said:
We have that as a plugin:
I've mentioned this before that I'm not a fan of the plugin (it was paid for by a client, that's why we built it) - but to each their own! I think it should work on latest, but I don't think its even published to npm
This one is nice. Didnt known. Any plans to male superuser compatibñe with 0.9 and beyond?