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Google analytics code not installed

General Discussion
  • I have created a nodebb forum at
    I have a google analytics account. created a property for qpinion, installed the plugin and entered the code.
    But code is not installed
    "Status: Tracking Not Installed" - this is what my google analytics says. I could not find any analytics code in page source as well.

    Please help
    P.S.: I love the work you guys have done. #Respect

  • Can you post the your nodebb version and the version of the plugin.

  • NodeBB v0.5.4.
    Google analytics plugin - 0.5.1

  • Try the 0.4.4 versionof the plugin. npm i nodebb-plugin-google-analytics@0.4.4. Looks like 0.5.1 is for nodebb 0.6.0.

  • I did that
    the plugin version is 0.4.4 now. restarted everything.
    still not working.

  • Try running with ./nodebb watch and check if you get any error messages. Check browser console for any client side errors as well.

  • I am not able to run ./nodebb watch
    this is what I get
    Launching NodeBB in "development" mode.
    To run the production build of NodeBB, please use "forever".
    More Information:
    ./nodebb: line 105: supervisor: command not found

    I am able to run with ./nodebb dev. not getting any errors there.

  • ./nodebb dev is fine too, will have to wait for @julian it's his plugin so he probably has a better idea why it is not working.

  • @baris Thanks for the help.
    Lets wait for @julian

  • @ajay can you paste the entire startup log for your NodeBB?

    Secondly, when you go to the admin page, is the code saved properly?

  • @julian Hi
    the code is saved. I checked that.

    EDIT: I thought you asked setup log (apologies)
    startup log -
    Starting NodeBB
    "./nodebb stop" to stop the NodeBB server
    "./nodebb log" to view server output

    2014-11-23T14:51:39.594Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-category-info/css/style.css
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.594Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-featured-threads/css/main.css
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.594Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-buzzer/css/style.css
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.625Z - info: [hotswap] Router with id auth replaced successfully
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.645Z - info: NodeBB is now listening on:
    [cluster] Child Process (14804) listening for connections.
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.872Z - info: [sounds] Sounds OK
    2014-11-23T14:51:39.875Z - info: [meta/templates] Compiling templates
    2014-11-23T14:51:41.934Z - info: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates.
    2014-11-23T14:51:41.947Z - info: [meta/css] admin.css committed to disk.

    NodeBB v0.5.4 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
    For the full license, please visit:

    Clustering enabled: Spinning up 1 process(es).

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.037Z - info: Time: Sun Nov 23 2014 14:51:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.040Z - info: Initializing NodeBB v0.5.4
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.040Z - info: * using configuration stored in: /home/ubuntu/nodebb/config.json
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.041Z - info: * using redis store at
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.041Z - info: * using themes stored in: /home/ubuntu/nodebb/node_modules
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.682Z - info: [user.startJobs] Registering User Jobs
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.686Z - info: Enabling 'trust proxy'
    [cluster] Child Process (14852) listening for connections.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.842Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-metro-tiles] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.845Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-category-info] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.845Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-featured-threads] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.846Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-markdown] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.846Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-markdown] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-markdown".

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.847Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-gravatar-extended] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.847Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-gravatar-extended] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-gravatar-extended".

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.848Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-buzzer] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.849Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.849Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-mentions".

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.850Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.850Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter".

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.851Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-widget-essentials] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-23T14:51:52.851Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-widget-essentials] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-widget-essentials".

    2014-11-23T14:51:52.852Z - warn: [plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: nodebb-plugin-vibration-notifications
    2014-11-23T14:51:53.383Z - warn: [plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: nodebb-plugin-pinmailer
    2014-11-23T14:51:53.412Z - warn: [plugins] The action:app.load hook is deprecated in favour of static:app.load, please notify the developers of the following plugins:

    • nodebb-plugin-mailchimp
    • nodebb-plugin-google-adsense
    • nodebb-plugin-xkcd-embed
    • nodebb-plugin-featured-threads
    • nodebb-plugin-gravatar-extended
    • nodebb-plugin-buzzer
      nodebb-plugin-whoisin: loaded
      configs ------------------> { title: 'qpinion',
      showSiteTitle: '1',
      postDelay: '10',
      initialPostDelay: '10',
      minimumPostLength: '8',
      allowGuestSearching: '1',
      allowTopicsThumbnail: '0',
      allowRegistration: '1',
      allowLocalLogin: '1',
      allowAccountDelete: '1',
      allowFileUploads: '0',
      maximumFileSize: '2048',
      minimumTitleLength: '3',
      maximumTitleLength: '255',
      minimumUsernameLength: '2',
      maximumUsernameLength: '32',
      minimumPasswordLength: '6',
      maximumSignatureLength: '255',
      maximumProfileImageSize: '256',
      profileImageDimension: '128',
      requireEmailConfirmation: '1',
      'theme:type': 'local',
      'theme:id': 'nodebb-theme-lavender',
      'theme:staticDir': '',
      'theme:templates': '',
      'theme:src': '',
      browserTitle: '::qpinion::',
      description: '',
      keywords: '',
      'brand:logo': '',
      'brand:favicon': '',
      useOutgoingLinksPage: '0',
      disableSocialButtons: '0',
      tagsPerTopic: '20',
      minimumTagLength: '3',
      maximumTagLength: '15',
      privateUserInfo: '0',
      'profile:convertProfileImageToPNG': '1',
      defaultGravatarImage: '',
      customGravatarDefaultImage: '',
      loginAttempts: '',
      lockoutDuration: '',
      loginDays: '',
      flagsForBan: '3',
      'autoban:downvote': '0',
      'autoban:downvote:threshold': '',
      termsOfUse: '',
      'email:from': '',
      disableEmailSubscriptions: '0',
      'social:facebook:app_id': '678388818942030',
      'social:facebook:secret': '41f24a47f755d790c9399f0da9ff0c8a',
      'social:twitter:key': '671b2o4nT5vPIb7Nb9LJHBuVP',
      'social:twitter:secret': 'g2Io7vEhggR8rw1pA5x1T0p2eFTK4kT5emFKfYOE684AP3kYiM',
      version: '0.5.4',
      'cache-buster': 'v0.5.4' }
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.422Z - info: [hotswap] Router with id plugins replaced successfully
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.422Z - info: [plugins] All plugins reloaded and rerouted
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.428Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-category-info] "callbacked" deprecated as of 0.4x. Use asynchronous method instead for hook: filter:scripts.get
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.428Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-buzzer] "callbacked" deprecated as of 0.4x. Use asynchronous method instead for hook: filter:scripts.get
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.432Z - info: [meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.435Z - info: NodeBB attempting to listen on:
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.446Z - warn: [plugins/mailchimp] mailchimpApiKey is not set
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.449Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-metro-tiles/css/style.css
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.450Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-charts/style.css
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.450Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-category-info/css/style.css
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.450Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-featured-threads/css/main.css
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.451Z - warn: [meta/css] File not found! nodebb-plugin-buzzer/css/style.css
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.478Z - info: [hotswap] Router with id auth replaced successfully
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.495Z - info: NodeBB is now listening on:
      [cluster] Child Process (14852) listening for connections.
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.678Z - info: [sounds] Sounds OK
      2014-11-23T14:51:53.681Z - info: [meta/templates] Compiling templates
      2014-11-23T14:51:55.796Z - info: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates.
      2014-11-23T14:51:55.811Z - info: [meta/css] admin.css committed to disk.
      2014-11-23T14:51:57.332Z - info: [meta/css] stylesheet.css committed to disk.
      2014-11-23T14:52:03.331Z - info: [meta/js] Minification complete
      2014-11-23T14:52:03.504Z - info: [meta/js] Client-side minfile and mapping committed to disk.
      2014-11-23T14:52:03.505Z - info: NodeBB Ready
      2014-11-23T14:52:03.514Z - error: [plugins/ready-notifier] not found: notify-send

    I dont know how to paste it as code.
    I also copied and pasted the google analytics code in custom header (<script>) but still not showing

  • I deleted everything and creating a new instance.
    will update in few min how it goes.

    could you tell how can i uninstall the nodebb setup?

  • Yeah, you have a lot of plugins installed 😄 Not sure if that's interfering.

  • Surprised buzzer still works, considering it's from January. Before 0.4.x or whenever the last breaking change was.

  • I installed few days back so was testing all the plugins.
    These are the ones which dont crash 🙂

    Besides, not sure if all of these work, as I have not tested them all.

    @julian I made a fresh install, still same thing 😞

  • start log
    2014-11-23T17:47:24.532Z - info: [meta/templates] Compiling templates
    2014-11-23T17:47:25.018Z - info: [cluster] Client-side javascript and mapping propagated to worker 5
    2014-11-23T17:47:25.040Z - info: [cluster] Stylesheets propagated to worker 5
    2014-11-23T17:47:27.251Z - info: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates.
    2014-11-23T17:47:27.265Z - info: [meta/css] admin.css committed to disk.
    2014-11-23T17:47:28.734Z - info: [meta/css] stylesheet.css committed to disk.
    2014-11-23T17:47:30.429Z - info: [meta/js] Minification complete
    2014-11-23T17:47:30.499Z - info: [meta/js] Client-side minfile and mapping committed to disk.
    2014-11-23T17:47:30.499Z - info: NodeBB Ready
    Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:48 GMT express deprecated res.sendfile: Use res.sendFile instead at src/middleware/middleware.js:460:14

    NodeBB v0.5.4 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
    For the full license, please visit:

    Clustering enabled: Spinning up 1 process(es).

    2014-11-24T03:05:11.403Z - info: Time: Mon Nov 24 2014 03:05:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
    2014-11-24T03:05:11.406Z - info: Initializing NodeBB v0.5.4
    2014-11-24T03:05:11.406Z - info: * using configuration stored in: /home/ubuntu/nodebb/config.json
    2014-11-24T03:05:11.407Z - info: * using redis store at
    2014-11-24T03:05:11.407Z - info: * using themes stored in: /home/ubuntu/nodebb/node_modules
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.082Z - info: [user.startJobs] Registering User Jobs
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.087Z - info: Enabling 'trust proxy'
    [cluster] Child Process (13539) listening for connections.

    2014-11-24T03:05:12.239Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-markdown] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.239Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-markdown] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-markdown".

    2014-11-24T03:05:12.241Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.241Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-mentions".

    2014-11-24T03:05:12.242Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-widget-essentials] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.242Z - warn: [plugins/nodebb-widget-essentials] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-widget-essentials".

    2014-11-24T03:05:12.370Z - info: [hotswap] Router with id plugins replaced successfully
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.370Z - info: [plugins] All plugins reloaded and rerouted
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.373Z - info: [meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.375Z - info: NodeBB attempting to listen on:
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.376Z - info: [hotswap] Router with id auth replaced successfully
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.407Z - info: NodeBB is now listening on:
    [cluster] Child Process (13539) listening for connections.
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.430Z - info: [sounds] Sounds OK
    2014-11-24T03:05:12.454Z - info: [meta/templates] Compiling templates
    2014-11-24T03:05:14.661Z - info: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates.
    2014-11-24T03:05:14.665Z - info: [meta/css] admin.css committed to disk.
    2014-11-24T03:05:16.060Z - info: [meta/css] stylesheet.css committed to disk.
    2014-11-24T03:05:18.184Z - info: [meta/js] Minification complete
    2014-11-24T03:05:18.247Z - info: [meta/js] Client-side minfile and mapping committed to disk.
    2014-11-24T03:05:18.248Z - info: NodeBB Ready

  • May be all it needs is time
    showing it installed now 🙂

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