3.9.0 Upgrade Support
After upgrading from 3.8.4 to 3.9.0, it runs fine, but there are tons of scss errors in the logs, for example:
DEPRECATION WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`. More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/mixed-decls ┌──> ../../../bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 40 │ font-weight: $display-font-weight; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ declaration ╵ ┌──> ../../../bootstrap/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss 136 │ ┌ @media (#{$rfs-mq-property-width}: #{$rfs-mq-value}) { 137 │ │ @content; 138 │ │ } │ └─── nested rule ╵ bootstrap/scss/_type.scss 40:5 @import - 14:9 root stylesheet WARNING: 32 repetitive deprecation warnings omitted. Run in verbose mode to see all warnings.
@ccd2s See
NodeBB 3.9.0
@phenomlab Unfortunately that's a result of some rather noisy deprecation notices by the saas package, due to some problematic styles used in the bootstrap d...
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