When I upload a picture to nodebb, how can I use markdown syntax to make the picture show in center, instead of using HTML?
When I upload a picture to nodebb, how can I use markdown syntax to make the picture show in center, instead of using HTML?
I hope using markdown + html, just like :
<center> ![alt text](image url) </center>
but it does not work,
now I use the html img tag, and it does work:
<center> <img src='xx'> </center>
but I think it is not easy use for some one who know little about html, am I using the wrong way?
Markdown does not support this as far as I know
If I'm correct, once I've uploaded a picture to a post, I simply add
>-> here paste the Image Link <-
And it works. Don't forget the spaces after and before the image link.
It won't work here, because there's the "Code" button in the composer activated.
That is not standard and depends on the individual forum's configuration.
@yariplus You're right sorry! I checked yesterday quickly on my nodebb set-up and didn't think I had activated any special plugin for that. But after double checking, you're right it's the center align plugin that allows me to do this.
@JsonHive sorry for not being more clear at first.