Hello, I would like to start a new nodebb forum, and I'm just searching for the perfect Server for my needs. I need to scale the nodebb forum , there will be some polls on the site from a livestream and so i expect more then 1000 simultaneous users... maybe 2000.. would like to hear some recommendations, before I buy the server... I still have a i7-6700 4 cores, 64 ram, so maybe that's enough for my need. But I sadly can't try it out, it needs to work at the livestream without any 503 errors... thank you for any advice...
Those specs are decent. I think your primary bottleneck will be bandwidth.
Typically 1 less then the number of threads on the CPU
I have the 6700 as well, it has 4 cores/8 threads, so 6 or 7 processes would probably be good. I'd suggest using a Mongo + redis setup as well.
It's impossible to tell you how many users each process can handle as it depends on how many processes there are, how powerful each core is, etc.
You probably want a thread for each database, so if you do run Mongo+Redis, I'd say 6 nodebb processes.