On PC I paste images in the textbox but on mobile, specifically on Android, you can't copy images in the clipboard, so how to post images? Must tell the users to host images in a 3rd party site like imgur and add it manually via markdown?
Edit: sorry just found it, the upload button is the last button of the toolbar
I was able to upload images by pressing that button
You can avoid the upload step by copying the images directly to nodebb/public/uploads/migrated and then embedding them like
So finally the error is gone.
I added this environment variable to my Openshift proyect:
LD_PRELOAD = '/opt/app/node_modules/sharp/vendor/lib/libz.so'
This is the url to sharp inside my node_modules.
When I opened the terminal I get and error saying that it can't be preloaded but after installing all dependencies the error is gone, and I could upload images!!!
Thank you very much @PitaJ !!!!
It seems that there is still the possibility to upload a profile cover picture, even though I disable "upload images" in privileges for registered users.
So, I just tested leaving the allowed filetypes-field blank (ergo allowing everything) and that worked. The mov-file gets uploaded flawlessly.
But interestingly the response is:
Adding just the mov extension to the allowed file-extensions blocks it again.
Now the response suggests to me somehow, that nodebb is converting the uploaded file to a .qt-file.
So I just added the qt-extension to the allowed files and it works.
It's really weird behavior, but I found a solution. Thanks for participating everyone!
I was crating bug to GitHub, but thought that this could be know issue, after upgrade, so thats why added this question first... I did se you managed to do it fist, so I added information to there. I use tags, both 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 has this issue.
@BDHarrington7 Correct. At current, we do not associate uploaded files with a particular user, although there should be plugin hooks in place that will allow third-party plugins to maintain this association (for expiry purposes, etc).
Don't ever apologies for providing advice, that after all is why we are all here and the great thing about advice is that the user can choose what to do with it. In this case I shall be applying it to the letter.
I will need upload functional in future plugin.
Is there any Upload API already in NodeBB ready for plugins use?
I would like to use ready to use solution, if any, before I will do it myself
I just tested to create a new group and following two issues occured
bug: using svg-images for header works fine until "save" gets pressed. save responds with "error".
feature-request: I'd like to set the background-size to contain and center the position.
Sup guys?
I did a plugin for who wants to keep files on AWS S3. It's good for who keeps the NodeBB on Heroku or others servers that have ephemeral filesystem.
I wanted to maintain compatibility with NodeBB 0.6.x and nodebb-plugin-s3-uploads doesnt worked for me.
I will need to increase some features like content access control in the next version.
If there is a . (dot) on the file name, it doesnt display the image on the post ( it cold parse and remove the dots )
![Captura de Tela 2014-11-11 às 17.32.40.png](uploading 100%)
I am running the nodebb on development mode. when I upload a picture, No matter what type I get the following error after the upload count get's to 100% even if I have stopped all other apps.
[image: T1i24H7.png]
and in the console just this:
warn: Route requested but not found: /api/post/upload
I've managed to reproduce the issue on Win2k8R2. It's coming from ImageMagick not being installed/configured correctly.
[image: xCKs0aO.png]
These are the steps I took to fix the issue:
Go out and install the latest version of ImageMagick
After running the installer make sure that you close the command prompt from which you are running NodeBB.
Open a new command prompt and rerun node app.js
The problem should be fixed! :)[image: 8wpPOtK.png]