[nodebb-plugin-2factor] Two-Factor Authentication
When I scan this with Authy or Google Authenticator it says "QR code is invalid" no matter how many times I create a new one. Is there a fix?
@cookieman768 The same situation(((
@julian The problem was solved with FreeOTP Authenticator (Android).
@ilya This plugin no longer works with 1.17. Error below
2021-04-23T13:18:12.371Z [4567/469428] - error: uncaughtException: Failed to lookup view "admin/dashboard" in views directory "/home/phenomlab/nodebb/build/public/templates" Error: Failed to lookup view "admin/dashboard" in views directory "/home/phenomlab/nodebb/build/public/templates" at Function.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:580:17) at ServerResponse.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1012:7) at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:89:11 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at renderContent (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:88:10) at ServerResponse.renderOverride [as render] (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:64:14) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {"error":{"view":{"defaultEngine":"tpl","ext":".tpl","name":"admin/dashboard","root":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/build/public/templates"}},"stack":"Error: Failed to lookup view \"admin/dashboard\" in views directory \"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/build/public/templates\"\n at Function.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:580:17)\n at ServerResponse.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1012:7)\n at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:89:11\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at renderContent (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:88:10)\n at ServerResponse.renderOverride [as render] (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:64:14)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)","exception":true,"date":"Fri Apr 23 2021 14:18:12 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)","process":{"pid":469428,"uid":1000,"gid":1000,"cwd":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb","execPath":"/usr/bin/node","version":"v16.0.0","argv":["/usr/bin/node","/home/phenomlab/nodebb/app.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":294481920,"heapTotal":195198976,"heapUsed":164432120,"external":74292726,"arrayBuffers":70953438}},"os":{"loadavg":[1.23,1.17,0.8],"uptime":340350.31},"trace":[{"column":17,"file":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/application.js","function":"Function.render","line":580,"method":"render","native":false},{"column":7,"file":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/response.js","function":"ServerResponse.render","line":1012,"method":"render","native":false},{"column":11,"file":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js","function":null,"line":89,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":null,"file":null,"function":"new Promise","line":null,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":10,"file":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js","function":"renderContent","line":88,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":14,"file":"/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js","function":"ServerResponse.renderOverride [as render]","line":64,"method":"renderOverride [as render]","native":false},{"column":5,"file":"node:internal/process/task_queues","function":"processTicksAndRejections","line":96,"method":null,"native":false}]} 2021-04-23T13:18:12.371Z [4567/469428] - error: Error: Failed to lookup view "admin/dashboard" in views directory "/home/phenomlab/nodebb/build/public/templates" at Function.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:580:17) at ServerResponse.render (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1012:7) at /home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:89:11 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at renderContent (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:88:10) at ServerResponse.renderOverride [as render] (/home/phenomlab/nodebb/src/middleware/render.js:64:14) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
v5.0.0 of the 2factor authentication plugin has been published. It now allows for concurrent second factors, so you can have both a hardware key and an authenticator app in use at the same time.
When challenged, you can use either option to verify your identity.
v7.4.0 of this plugin now notifies you in the event that your account was accessed, but the second factor challenge was not passed.
This provides a much-needed notification for the user that their password has been compromised and is in need of changing.
NodeBB (@[email protected])
Attached: 1 image The Two-Factor Authentication plugin that comes bundled with #NodeBB was just updated to v7.4.0. It now notifies you if your account was accessed, but the second factor challenge was not passed. If you see this notification, and it wasn't you, you just might want to change your now-compromised password! Oft forgotten, this feature provides much needed positive reinforcement that, yeah, #2FA works! #appsec #security #2factor
Fosstodon (fosstodon.org)
when i try to add a hardware key i instantly get the message "hardware key registration abborted" and in the logs i found this:
2023-11-20T06:03:39.301Z [4567/995] - info: [plugin/2factor] Denying socket access for uid 2 pending second factor.Any idea how I can fix this?
2-factor is: 7.4.0
Board is: v3.5.1. -
I also noticed that the 2fa isn't working for me too.
I generate the first code to test the application, that works, but when i want to log in later, it doesn't recognize the code, and i have to use a backup code -
@RazielKanos I just tested v7.4.0 against latest
and there are no issues with registering 2FA.Just to be sure I also waited until the code rolled over to a new set and that also worked. Any errors on the backend?
Could it be your server clock is out of sync? If it is too far out, then the code it is expecting will not match your code.
@darkpollo that in my view defeats the entire purpose of 2fa. If your email was hacked, they'd also have the two factor which is what your are looking to secure in the first place.
@phenomlab @darkpollo agreed. If there's a need for it it'd be a good separate plugin, same for a "magic link" style login plugin.
Using mail for 2FA is an oxymoron. Just a few steps worse than using SMS.
The most secure factors are a key (I use Yubi Keys) and then the code used by apps.
I would NOT encourage dependence on email for 2FA.
I think it is used to be an option pre XF 2.3, but it shouldn't have been and it was mentioned to them. They finally went passkeys/code via app/backup code and got rid of the email option. -
@Astro-What @phenomlab @julian I agree it is not the best for security, but I am comparing having an email 2fa for websites vs not having anything because the admin is not "techy" enough to use which is much worse.
I have saved so many website admins from doom because I forced them an email 2fa for their admin accounts.
I cannot force another device 2fa to them.Email 2fa is not replacing the keys, is replacing the "I do not understand what a key is".
And this is not a bank, is a forum (and banks use sms which is worse than email... but that is another story).
I think having it as an option is better than ignoring the reality of the global moderators and forum admins.