It's a must have for busy forums. Helps give users incentive to participate.. Trophies (configurable of course) for example. You can set rules (once user hist 25 posts, they get a trophy) 100 posts, once they get xx likes on combined posts, things like that.
@kelso Thats great for participation.
User Badges 路 Issue #599 路 NodeBB/NodeBB
Tried searching couldn't find this (but I'm not sure if I've seen it discussed before (perhaps...)), but... Want to back this issue? Place a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.
GitHub (
^ blocked, by lack of some starter graphics for badges
I wil wait the they comes ! :3
What about these icons?
@psychobunny @julian THIS WOULD BE AWESOME
I want it too!
I guess we're still waiting lol.
It's coming
Cool that'd be awesome - but would that be under an open source license of some sort?