Setting recent as home page shows nothing
That should pull in the partial. You can check the tpl in build/public/templates to check if it's being imported.
@phenomlab no I mean check the template that the import is in, the partial should replace it in the version in build.
Does it work if you switch to the persona theme?
Odd, are you trying this as an admin user? What version of persona and nodebb?
@pitaj said in Setting recent as home page shows nothing:
Odd, are you trying this as an admin user? What version of persona and nodebb?
Yes - trying as admin. Latest versions of NodeBB and Persona
@pitaj This seems to be have been fixed with the most recent version of core. One small nuance is the lack of breadcrumbs being displayed on the page you select as default when using Persona. Is there any quick fix for this ?