[nodebb-plugin-blog-comments] Blog Commenting Engine (Ghost, Wordpress widget)
didn't realize the post.reply signature changed as well. just updated to 0.0.16 hopefully we have all the bugs ironed out
@psychobunny how long will that take to show up on npm because It's saying 0.0.16 doesn't exist.
Works now, cheers
Hi @psychobunny, what would the scope be to allow anyone who runs a blog to have this feature link to my own forum if I allow it (multiple allowed blogs in the NodeBB admin for example). I run a (rather large) music site, so would be great if my users could comment on other website blogs from my forum (which will soon be running NodeBB. ;))
Blog owner wants to integrate with my forum.
Blog owners posts get posted in a new thread on my forum.
Blog owner 2 also wants to integrate with my forum.
Blog owner 2s posts get posted in a new thread. etc etc.Thanks.
Never actually thought of having more than one blog integrate with your forum. I would imagine its actually quite doable. Maybe make an issue on github, I have too much on my plate for 0.4.x launch to look at it right now!
I'm digging the idea for the main reason that I don't believe any of our competitors in this space have that ability. Will be nice to have
replied to psychobunny on last edited by
Perfect, I will add it to github for you.
replied to psychobunny on last edited by
@psychobunny definitely having multiple blogs integrated into one forum would be a huge feature bonus !
I'm using a wordpress JSON Rest API to get posts of my blog and render inside a nodebb page (created manually for me).
So, i have a route "/article/slug-of-this" that get a post by slug on wordpress and show your content on nodebb.Currently I'm using Disqus comments. But would like to use your plugin nodebb-plugin-blog-comments, or some variation.
Users are already authenticated, then it would not need to authenticate to Wordpress or Ghost.How can I modify or adapt it to make it possible nodebb comments using threads?
Hmm I'd have to think about that. I would like to revisit this plugin soon and open it up to more than just Ghost so I'll consider your use-case as well (just need to find the time! :P)
@psychobunny Thanks for responding! =]
I think it might be a simple thing. Once we eliminate the external authentication, create the thread would remain and render the comments.
Recalling that the user is already authenticated in nodebb, and blog posts content was acquired using a REST API. -
Users are already authenticated
How are you linking WP with NodeBB auth right now? I'm interested to know
I don't linking authentication.
I have used this plugin "JSON API" to do a front-end for the blog using nodebb pages.
We created routes to get category and posts, like this: http://petiko.com.br/articlesThis is a startup project focused on brazilian pet segment. We will work to create a market place, and a platform of content recomendation to make learning fun. Users can register and inform yours pet's, and we recomend content according your interests and provide threads of discussions about that, besides thematic quiz games. Some actions have gamification strategies and in future user can change your points for prizes.
Sorry for my bad english pitch =P