[nodebb-plugin-blog-comments] Blog Commenting Engine (Ghost, Wordpress widget)
@psychobunny Still have an error on the 0.0.14 version when adding a comment from the blog side nodebb crashes with this output to the log;
TypeError: Object 1 has no method 'apply'
at /var/nodebb/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:485:30
at async.waterfall.privileges (/var/nodebb/src/topics.js:172:13)
at fn (/var/nodebb/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:582:34)
at Object._onImmediate (/var/nodebb/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:498:34)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:330:15) -
I just got a
502 Bad Gateway
on blog.nodebb. I tried to post something.
I tried backspacing to retain the data so I could save it for later... it didn't save FML -
replied to psychobunny on last edited by
@psychobunny said:
This is how it works right now
That's wonderful. Could it work for every user on community.nodebb.com? I didn't see a control panel or anything when i installed the plugin so i'm not sure yet how you designated what category it would post to. And I cant wait to get it to work for Tumblr.
didn't realize the post.reply signature changed as well. just updated to 0.0.16 hopefully we have all the bugs ironed out
@psychobunny how long will that take to show up on npm because It's saying 0.0.16 doesn't exist.
Works now, cheers
Hi @psychobunny, what would the scope be to allow anyone who runs a blog to have this feature link to my own forum if I allow it (multiple allowed blogs in the NodeBB admin for example). I run a (rather large) music site, so would be great if my users could comment on other website blogs from my forum (which will soon be running NodeBB. ;))
Blog owner wants to integrate with my forum.
Blog owners posts get posted in a new thread on my forum.
Blog owner 2 also wants to integrate with my forum.
Blog owner 2s posts get posted in a new thread. etc etc.Thanks.
Never actually thought of having more than one blog integrate with your forum. I would imagine its actually quite doable. Maybe make an issue on github, I have too much on my plate for 0.4.x launch to look at it right now!
I'm digging the idea for the main reason that I don't believe any of our competitors in this space have that ability. Will be nice to have
replied to psychobunny on last edited by
Perfect, I will add it to github for you.
replied to psychobunny on last edited by
@psychobunny definitely having multiple blogs integrated into one forum would be a huge feature bonus !
I'm using a wordpress JSON Rest API to get posts of my blog and render inside a nodebb page (created manually for me).
So, i have a route "/article/slug-of-this" that get a post by slug on wordpress and show your content on nodebb.Currently I'm using Disqus comments. But would like to use your plugin nodebb-plugin-blog-comments, or some variation.
Users are already authenticated, then it would not need to authenticate to Wordpress or Ghost.How can I modify or adapt it to make it possible nodebb comments using threads?
Hmm I'd have to think about that. I would like to revisit this plugin soon and open it up to more than just Ghost so I'll consider your use-case as well (just need to find the time! :P)