Allow Node bb users to create categories themselves (mini sub-forums) or have something like sub-reddits
Just like reddit allows users to create their own sub-reddits, can we somehow allow node bb users to create their own mini discussion sub-forums?
if this is possible, it is going to make node bb a next-generation user-scalable forum for sure. ACP should have this feature of user created categories on and off.
Am i missing this where is this feature?
1. Reddit is open-source- This is not a feature. You could easily make a plugin that lets users create categories, but.... you would also need a way for users to manage permissions, groups, visibility, membership, etc. just for those categories, none of those systems exist. It would be a lot of work to create these systems on your own, and I'm not sure if it fits into the aim of the core project. If you really need this feature though it might be worth contacting [email protected], they may have made a plugin for this before.
@yariplus Reddit is no longer open source
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