Installing on Digital Ocean
I think this is different topic than my previous one about installing on Windows but feel free to merge if it's inappropriate for me to be making two threads.
I tried installing NodeBB on digital ocean following this guide:
Everything worked well until "npm install" didn't work because package.json wasn't in the /forums folder, I looked and saw that it was in the forums/install folder so I cd'd there and tried to npm install (which I think worked?), however then node app --setup doesn't work as app.js is in the original /forums folder. Switching back there and trying it didn't help because it then said I was missing nconf module.
Sorry if this is confusing/poorly worded - I'm relatively new to this.
That tutorial is old and outdated. Use the Ubuntu install docs after sshing into your DO droplet.
Everything worked like a charm until the very end when i tried to start the server.
I had the url set to http://<IP address of digitial ocean droplet> but going to said URL still leads to site cannot connect. Is there something else I have to do to map it there. (I kept all the other options at their defaults).
Did you set up nginx or some other reverse proxy?
@pritams they're back up, sorry about that