Maximum password length: DOS Potential
we could enable CAPTCHA after N number of failed logins, kind of what most sites do.
That is not a bad idea. My concerns lie in the creation of an account where it has you make a password.
I barely know what I am talking about, buy in theory 1 very large string could cause some performance issues on the server end. Whether that be from encrypting, storing, or pulling the password.
I have seen 14 gig notepad documents with just strings of characters for Brute forcing, so I suppose the same could be used for initiating a Denial of Service.
I think this is a reasonable solution for this problem
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Also, express bodyParser has a default limit of 100kb, -
Yeah the issue is for login (no captcha there) which asks bcrypt to hash whatever comes in, even at 100kb limit, it could potentially be abused
@psychobunny what about showing a captcha after 2 or 3 failed logins?