Why not use composer-redactor as default editor?
I've always wondered why BBCode
is considered easier to learn than HTML<b>
? -
Just to note here.
2 most reasons why I have migrated to NodeBB:
- Markdown
- NodeJs
Wonder why the thread went to markdown vs bbcode...
Redactor is WYSIWYG so better to focus on Markdown vs WYSIWYG
@agusputra The whole point of markdown is so you don't have to worry about resizing images. The CSS handles image size via the max-width attribute so it doesn't overspill the container. There's nothing to say you couldn't change that value to make images smaller though.
@henrywright It's not really. BBCode came about because forums didn't want people posting plain HTML (risky) so a separate language (Bulletin Board Code) was created to work like HTML but with the ability to sanitise all the input.
Logical at the time to replace <b>Text </b> with [b]Text [/b].
It would not be hard to add a plugin that could handle setting the size of an image manually, if it is really needed. I'd think it would be bad to manually size images inside of posts though, as it might break the responsiveness of it. The software should auto resize any images that are too big based on screen size.
So, what do you want? Do you want BBcode? Do you want Wysiwyg? Do you want more helper buttons?
Uh, so this topic has been beaten to death. @administrators I make a move to close
@agusputra I agree with your suggestion about helper buttons. The open source project Rocket Chat has an unobtrusive way of hinting basic Markdown syntax.
Simply a line of greyed text that becomes regular text on mouseover
It might be useful to have something like this at the bottom of the editor input field.