Need some help with NodeJS in general
Hey Everyone,
Well to cut a long story short, my head has just exploded.
Basically what im trying to do is,
Detect the status of a UDP port on a remote server. Whether the port is 'open/listening' or 'closed'.
If anyone can help me out i would be extremely grateful
xCausxn -
I did see that, and already implemented it for TCP sockets but this does not work for UDP sockets which is the last thing i need to complete this app
For UDP i have to use dgram i believe, but i cant seem to get it to work.
Thanks for the reply,
You know (one of) the main difference(s) between TCP and UDP, don't you?
TCP is connection-oriented, UDP isn't. So there is no UDP core-functionality to check whether the receiver is alive (/has the port opened).
You'd either need to create server-side code or know the server-behavior (e.g. responses to specific datagrams) to achieve an UDP port-scanner.
If you're able to write server-side code the best is to ask for UDP port status via TCP since it has reliable data-transfer implemented.