I need php api, and i start it make. I take library predis for it. I added class topic_add and saw how it hard ) But i think what can be variants easier. Please tell me in the right way in me?
class pr{ function topic_add($title='', $content='', $category=2, $link='', $user=1){ global $trans, $redis, $char_restrict, $word_separator; // get topics and last index $m = array(); foreach ( $redis->keys('topic:*') as $v ){ $n = explode(':', $v)[1]; $m[] = $n; } sort($m); $tli = end($m)+1; // get posts and last index $m = array(); foreach ( $redis->keys('post:*') as $v ){ $n = explode(':', $v)[1]; $m[] = $n; } sort($m); $pli = end($m)+1; // vals $ut = time().'000'; $title = isset($title) && trim($title) != '' ? $title : 'Новый топик'.$tli; $link = isset($link) && trim($link) != '' ? $trans->stripAlias($link, $char_restrict, $word_separator) : $trans->stripAlias($title, $char_restrict, $word_separator); $category = isset($category) && trim($category) != '' ? $category : 1; $content = isset($content) && trim($content) != '' ? $content : 'В ближайшее время тема обязательно будет описана'; $user = isset($user) && trim($user) != '' ? $user : 1; $topics = array( tid => $tli, uid => $user, cid => $category, mainPid => $pli, title => $title, slug => $tli.'/'.$link, timestamp => $ut, lastposttime => $ut, postcount => 0, viewcount => 0, locked => 0, deleted => 0, pinned => 0 ); foreach ($topics as $k => $v) { $redis->hset('topic:'.($tli), $k, $v); } $posts = array( pid => $pli, uid => $user, tid => $tli, content => $content, timestamp => $ut, reputation => 0, votes => 0, editor => '', edited => '0', deleted => 0 ); foreach ($posts as $k => $v) { $redis->hset('post:'.($pli), $k, $v); } $redis->zadd('cid:'.$category.':tids', $ut, $tli); $redis->zadd('cid:'.$category.':pids', $ut, $pli); $redis->zadd('topics:posts', 1, $tli); $redis->zadd('topics:recent', $ut, $tli); $redis->zadd('topics:tid', $ut, $tli); } function category_get ($what=''){ } function category_add ($name='', $parent='', $link='', $class='col-md-12 col-xs-6 '){ global $trans, $redis, $char_restrict, $word_separator; // get categories and last index $m = array(); foreach ( $redis->keys('category:*') as $v ){ $n = explode(':', $v)[1]; $m[] = $n; } sort($m); $cli = end($m)+1; } } $pr = new pr;
I think it would be useful to many.
Need understand, which fields need to create in which areas of the database. Is there somewhere in the documentation on this subject?
@sergej-saveljev Don't bother, use this write api instead
Let me know what endpoints you need.
Cool! I certainly reading!
Until I not find how to create categories.Is it possible to make the url topics were not in the form id categories? To use the category names. To make them more friendly for search systems.
I need it class methods for create complex structure, based on the data site.
Categories are highway subcategories are villages in which users of the forum will create your own posts. That is the work of the categories is particularly important.
@julian link in github readme not work
@julian Is it possible now with the API to create a category?
Thanks! But i have problems. I not understand how run curl command. Please, tell me how you would use them. Run in linux terminal:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {fb66eb42-8206-475e-fsdg-7ddabde551e5}" --data "title={Test post}&content=={Content test post}&cid={1}" http://localhost:4567/api/v1/topics
In top code hidden {2} in value cid. Markdown is hiding.
@julian said:
- No curly braces.
- Encode your post body data
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer fb66eb42-8206-475e-fsdg-7ddabde551e5" --data "title=Test%20post&content=Content%20test%20post&cid=1" http://localhost:4567/api/v1/topics
I tried user token and master token