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  • Check Uploaded File Meta Data

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    2 Posts
    @aleksei Sounds like potentially a cool idea. But also potential for abuse. For e.g. many forum admins invest significant effort to foil file scrapers, etc. and this could facilitate/exacerbate. Maybe mitigated to some degree by permission restrictions to logged in users but..... then the bots just create a sock puppet account. Another potential issue: long running threads sporting hundreds of images, etc. How to display? Could be a UX conundrum, eh? Hmmmm... Still could be interesting for some situations. Not a dev but will hazard a guess that this might should be a plugin rather than core front end function as you suggest. Sorry I cannot offer more targeted insights.
  • NodeBB write api security

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    abhishek yadavA
    @abhishek-yadav I found it under Settings -> API access. Thanks for checking
  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    i wana to post some topics by postman software in my project,but alway i need someone help.thanks
  • phpBB NodeBB Flarum who is better Forum?

    1 Votes
    11 Posts
    Jordan BrooklynJ
    @oplik0 said in phpBB NodeBB Flarum who is better Forum?: @鄭宇佋 A less biased answer would be - they aren't entirely equivalent, and the choice is a combination of specific needs and preferences that IMO can't be generalized to "x is better in general". phpBB is the oldest forum, and as such it embodies the older style of forums from before social media made things like tags, real time interactions, feeds etc. popular. However, it is probably the most feature rich of all offerings if you have time and knowledge to set it up. Flarum (and I think the Laravel community software too? Never used it :V) is a simpler forum that is tag-based. You can nest tags once in Flarum, but only once and it seems to more encourage a feed approach where your main page is filled with topics sorted in some way and you use tags to go somewhere if you're looking for something specific. This is in contrast to the "classical" structure I mentioned, where you will have subforums/categories that you can infinitely nest and the idea is that the user first goes to the category that will have the topics that will be interesting to them. However, NodeBB and Discourse are both somewhere closer to the middle, but on the opposite sides. In both you will find categories and tags, but from what I've seen the emphasis is different - NodeBB is categories that can have tags, Discourse is tags that can have categories Of course, there are a lot of other differences. As mentioned, more modern software is better at doing stuff real-time. Notifications, chats (Discourse and NodeBB have some form of private conversations built in. Flarum and phpBB have extensions that add it), loading new posts without reloads etc. AFAIK NodeBB is the only one of these using WebSockets ( Discourse uses some custom polling based protocol. Flarum actually doesn't do much live stuff by default (just kilke phpBB), but it does have notifications that can use officially-supported pusher extension to work. One major difference though - phpBB, Flarum and are PHP-based, so you can make them work on generally cheaper shared web hosting, meanwhile Discourse and NodeBB will require a server that can run Ruby or Node respectively - for example a Linux VPS. Which one is better depends on what you want then. seems to be most limited in terms of customization, unless there are some undocumented features on that front. So if there are any things you don't like about the way it looks or feels - don't choose it. If you like the Flarum tag structure and don't mind it lacking some things (well, it's a beta after all), it seems like the most performant option. phpBB? If you are willing to buy/develop some modern theme and spend time to configure it, sure. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it. The decision between NodeBB and Discourse is harder, and while I prefer NodeBB, I'd say it's mostly down to your preferences, specifics of what you want to use the forum for and the preference for technology stack (Node, Express, MongoDB/Redis/Postgres + no major js framework outside of jQuery on front-end for NodeBB vs Ruby on Rails, Postgres + Ember.js on front-end for Discourse). Some unfortunately older topics on this (some will have much more recent replies, so might be useful to read them; I tried to include topics from meta-forums of other forum software and user forums based on software in question): (just for context - this forum migrated to NodeBB from Discourse in 2016) monitoring (here there was a migration in the opposite direction in 2018) Obviously remember that the answers will be biased essentially everywhere - here, towards NodeBB. On Discourse forums, towards Discourse. On Flarum - towards Flarum. Etc. Oh thanks, so much useful information for me as for newbie
  • anti-copy plugin

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Jordan BrooklynJ
    Hello! is there any anti-copy content plugin or expansion for nodebb?
  • Is there a way to grant users access to just the Forum Traffic chart?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @julian found it. Thanks!
  • Is there any mobile client for nodebb

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    @sharonyue BTW, why do I have a browser window? Is it because Iam using Android, or I am running nodebb 1.14? It's because you're running 1.14 actually. The actual scripts for installable PWA only appeared in 1.15. However, browsers are confusing so they also offer the option to "add to home screen" any website, but instead of actually considering its manifest for how it's supposed to run and using the service worker properly it will be just an icon to open that website in the browser. I would've recommended checking this website to see how it's supposed to work, but it seems to be broken in 1.16.2 unfortunately (mentioned in this issue - service worker was moved to its own directory so only paths starting with /assets/src/ are in its scope.) EDIT: while it was mentioned in the issue #9193, it wasn't the main focus. I commented on it on #9127, solution to which actually broke the service worker
  • Terms of use not showing at all

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    @timps terms of use shows up during the registration process, not on the registration page. There is a strong in the ACP, I suggest using the search to find it
  • How to authenticate against Read API?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @greyteapot I'm sorry. Blame on me. I thought that ist just an alias for your own instance. Authentication is handled either via HTTP Bearer Token or JSON Web Token, as generated/specified in the Write API. So I think there is no way for you to read user specific data on But for your own instance you would use the generated bearer token.
  • Traditional NodeBB Theme?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    use vanilla theme
  • Can I drag down the reply panal?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Exactly. I am using 4K monitor with 300% scaling. I attached several images in the following: [image: 1610425467514-1-resized.jpg] [image: 1610425474677-2-resized.jpg] It also explain that why I want to remove the fixed header in the head
  • Date of Posts in RSS Feeds on Update

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    One of our users reported the following: Posts are sorted incorrectly in the feed in case of updates (at the time of the update of the post) [...] In the XML/RSS, the order of the posts is correct, but the publication date of the edited post is updated. At least this confuses my feed reader Is this a known issue?
  • chat with only administer

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @baris Maybe you have another solution? Thanks.
  • Layout design in the latest nodebb

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @sharonyue to remove the panel you have to edit the template. I do not know exactly where it is but it should something with topic template. Maybe here: <div class="topic-header"> <h1 component="post/header" class="" itemprop="name"> <span class="topic-title" component="topic/title"> <span component="topic/labels"> <i component="topic/pinned" class="fa fa-thumb-tack <!-- IF !pinned -->hidden<!-- ENDIF !pinned -->" title="{{{ if !pinExpiry }}}[[topic:pinned]]{{{ else }}}[[topic:pinned-with-expiry, {pinExpiryISO}]]{{{ end }}}"></i> <i component="topic/locked" class="fa fa-lock <!-- IF !locked -->hidden<!-- ENDIF !locked -->" title="[[topic:locked]]"></i> <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right <!-- IF !oldCid -->hidden<!-- ENDIF !oldCid -->" title="{{{ if privileges.isAdminOrMod }}}[[topic:moved-from, {}]]{{{ else }}}[[topic:moved]]{{{ end }}}"></i> {{{each icons}}}{@value}{{{end}}} </span> {title} </span> </h1> <div class="topic-info clearfix"> <div class="category-item inline-block"> {{{ if category.icon }}} <div role="presentation" class="icon pull-left" style="{{{ if category.bgColor }}}background-color: {category.bgColor};{{{end}}}; {{{ if category.color}}}color: {category.color};{{{end}}}"> <i class="fa fa-fw {category.icon}"></i> </div> {{{ end }}} <a href="{config.relative_path}/category/{category.slug}">{}</a> </div> <div class="tags tag-list inline-block hidden-xs"> <!-- IMPORT partials/topic/tags.tpl --> </div> <div class="inline-block hidden-xs"> <!-- IMPORT partials/topic/stats.tpl --> </div> {{{ if !feeds:disableRSS }}} {{{ if rssFeedUrl }}}<a class="hidden-xs" target="_blank" href="{rssFeedUrl}"><i class="fa fa-rss-square"></i></a>{{{ end }}} {{{ end }}} <!-- IMPORT partials/topic/browsing-users.tpl --> <!-- IMPORT partials/post_bar.tpl --> </div> </div>
  • It's difficult for QQ Email to receive confirmation letter

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @julian One place the lay person can check is Talos Intelligence. My network engineer buddy w/Crisco certs up the arse reports that their paid stuff is the snizzle. I only use the freebies so cannot comment. I just checked and the email rep is reported as neutral. Ditto all my stuff. Which may just mean we're both too hole in the wall to have had much, if any, or our stuff captured in their honey pots. In any event, there's one place to check. I hear used by lots of corp types so maybe just enough to know that you're not on their naughty list. Talos has DDos measures in place, so don't everyone /. that at once. Heck, I'll just post a screenshot: [image: 1609793527142-0ff126fc-b955-4294-bdfe-f22dbcb7552c-image.png] Maybe remedy the forward/reverse DNS but otherwise all good. Well, does not actually send email. So let's check Sendgrid while we're at it, eh? Surveying a few incoming from the Robot, I note they're all coming from same MX, at least to my mail servers: [image: 1609793798099-e6d73cfc-ea3b-452c-a5d1-213a308b77f7-image.png] Looks just fine and dandy. So what about their other thousands of MX's? Well, just enter to check and then scroll and page away. Most all is either good or positive. Indeed, the only "poor" ratings I noted were from And in that instance, pretty much all of the several I checked were on the naughty list. For whatever that may be worth: Mainly, that modern days Presidential Erections seem to spawn the lion's share of miscreants crawling out of the woodwork, irrespective of party (cuz I have tons of GOP stuff in my server logs so let's not make this about party politics). And for some levity, I could not find Gilda Radner's infamous skit online but here's the text: Emily Litella: What’s all this fuss I’ve been hearing about the 1976 presidential erection? Now, I know they erected a monument for Mr. Lincoln and President Washington, but that’s because they’re DEAD! Hopefully, the 1976 President won’t be DEAD! So he won’t NEED an erection! If Americans are going to spend money to erect anything, why don’t we tear down those nasty slums and erect luxury high rises for poor people and senior citizens! Not for presidents who can afford to pay for their OWN erections! Chevy Chase: Miss Litella -- Emily Litella: I can’t believe the way things are turning out in this country -- what? Chevy Chase: I'm sorry. That’s election. The editorial was about the presidential election, not the presidential erection. Election. Emily Litella: Oh, that’s very different. Chevy Chase: Yes. Emily Litella: Never mind. Chevy Chase: And that's the news. Good night. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow. For the youngsters in the crowd, if you've never seen this, prepare to literally bust a gut laughing your arse's off. Or.... eh... Never mind... Update: Foregoing is meant to be informational and no sleight on Sendgrid. Could just as well be any provider. Because.... there's always a sub population of miscreants who will try to exploit the hard work of others for jollies, profit, etc.
  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts
    @pitaj said in How to use websocket notifications from external app?: @reinier-pupo okay so you want to listen for notifications. You essentially want something like this: monitoring software/public/src/client/header/notifications.js#L25 Yeah, thank you!! Exactly what i was looking for!
  • Simple Banner

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    5 Posts
    Nabeel Ahmed KhanN
    You can use it on the bottom as per your layout.
  • New in 1.2.0?

    0 Votes
    21 Posts
    @shayan no, it is actually a premium plugin for now. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested.
  • Happy Holidays Everyone!

    9 Votes
    3 Posts
    Okay, I'll play... Wishing You & Yours All The Best [image: 1608851566402-img_6946cohohocroped.jpg] Rock on! P.S.; Happy Ray Troll Thursday. Wear 'em if ya' got 'em.
  • Is it possible to parse the username and replace parts of the string?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Hi, We are thinking of creative ways to display users with the same name like appending something that would uniquely identify them. We're pulling users from multiple sources so we can't guarantee that the username will be unique. ex: UserX_Apple UserX_Orange Is there a way to parse it and display like an image of the fruit beside UserX? Thanks!