How can I implement a function that some content is visible only when users logined and replied to this post?
The env is that some users uploads files but just want the one who replied to see,not every user or even verified user,but reply to this post .This is important in some scene.
I use the sendgrid plugins and setting seems ok,but the site can not send verify emails to new users ,what is the problem?[image: 1678118326146-04047398-23e7-40cd-9de8-b2f83b7f4fd1-image.png]
when I first login in ,my home page loads too slowly which may be 6 seconds or more, how to fix this?I find this community is more fast than mine, what should I do?
I was able to fix this by adding a touchicon. I'm not sure what this implies, but if the touchicon setting is left empty, the favicon.ico will be covered in the title. By using grep to find the file 36.png in public/images/touch, I am able to repair this.
Hopefully, this plugin will be able to answer based on forum content in the near future...