[nodebb-plugin-s3-uploads] Store your uploads in AWS S3
Hi all,
Here's a new plugin to NodeBB from the guys behind Kano — we've recently overhauled our NodeBB install, and as part of an upgrade to our infrastructure, we've decided to try and not sort any images locally on instances, but instead use shared storage. We'll be battle testing this plugin over the next few days, but so far, it seems like it'll work.
Give it a whirl, let me know.
This will require NodeBB >=0.3.2 or anything after 695891ffd7192a2c92d239950e2db095ce948274 in master.
Micheil Smith -
Aside: Many thanks to @barisusakli and @julianlam on supporting the development of this plugin from the NodeBB side, which required various changes to the internals of NodeBB.
nice job, looking forward to seeing what else you guys come up with
@psychobunny said:
nice job, looking forward to seeing what else you guys come up with
For the next few months, not much, purely as we need to switch to a different strand of development and can't spend much time on Talk
@planner said:
This is great.
Now, how about a remote storage plugin that's provider independent, that is, that can be used to configure remote storage to any provider or at least the most popular ones.
I guess it'd be doable, I think pkgcloud would enable this: https://github.com/pkgcloud/pkgcloud#storage — however, I won't be implementing it, feel free to fork our S3 Uploader though.
Thanks @miksago !
Small note on this: whilst I'm the original author, I've since left Kano, and as they have IP over it, and control access to the source code commits, I can no longer actually maintain it. It's up to them if they want to make me a maintainer of that repository.
I have NodeBB V0.5.0 installed, S3 bucket set up and tried to install and activate the nodebb-s3-uploads from the admin panel->Plugins. Below is the error I have got whenever trying to upload a picture:
ErrorUpload Error : nodebb-plugin-s3-uploads :: The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema
'''Futher more, when trying to config the settings for nodebb-s3-uploads from NodeBB ACP --> Plugins section:
Not FoundYou seem to have stumbled upon a page that does not exist. Return to the home page.
'''Though it installs and activates without any errors, what else can be wrong? Thanks in advance.
Seems Amazon may have changed something perhaps. The plugin is also very out of date. It's only compatible with 0.3.2, however 0.4.0 introduced breaking changes. I'm not sure the original author of this plugin is around any more. If I get the chance, I will have a look and see what the issue could be.
I have updated this plugin and added a new package to npm https://github.com/LewisMcMahon/nodebb-plugin-s3-uploads
It is nice to see one of the Amazon S3 uploader plugins being actively maintained.
Enhancement Requests:
- Modify this plugin to upload images in a path for each individual user (currently all uploads go to the bucket root -- Look at the
plugin for an example of this) - Create the ability to scan the database for images and then to delete the ones that no longer exist in the database from the S3 bucket (Deleted posts and threads, re-uploaded (changed) images, etc.)
Otherwise, thank you very much for taking over supporting this plugin.
- Modify this plugin to upload images in a path for each individual user (currently all uploads go to the bucket root -- Look at the