nodebb plugin Sparkpost mailing service?
Has anyone written a nodebb plugin for Sparkpost mailing service? I see there are plugins for multiple mailing services but not for sparkpost. I see these plugins are similar to each other and was thinking for creating one myself if no one has ever worked on it.
Likely not, as I haven't heard of it. I would advise you to fork the mandrill plugin as a base, as all of the other plugins are derived from it.
or Looks like the two repos have diverged @akhoury. I've merged your latest into my branch and republished. We can either continue using yours or mine
@julian don't really care, i can delete or redirect mine to yours - but how do we update the npm record to point to yours?
it might be easier to just maintain mine at this point, you are a github-collaborator and an npm-publisher on this repo, all 3 of the core developers are.