NodeBB Blog
Finally got ourselves our own blog, check it out at
It's running off ghost. It's tooootally missing a billion features but then again reminds me of us back when we were starting off half a year ago. Maybe we can build some sort of comments bridging system for ghost as well.
Anyways, thought I'd mention it here - we'd love to feature your NodeBB forum website, plugin, theme, etc. on our blog, especially if your website is running something pretty customized. We'd also love to do a couple of feature articles / interviews of people who own a NodeBB forum, kind of like a Q&A and/or testimonial.
It was only fitting to use Ghost. Well done guys!
Very nice! Thanks for the mention, by the way!
Finally got ourselves our own blog, check it out at
It's running off ghost. It's tooootally missing a billion features but then again reminds me of us back when we were starting off half a year ago. Maybe we can build some sort of comments bridging system for ghost as well.
Anyways, thought I'd mention it here - we'd love to feature your NodeBB forum website, plugin, theme, etc. on our blog, especially if your website is running something pretty customized. We'd also love to do a couple of feature articles / interviews of people who own a NodeBB forum, kind of like a Q&A and/or testimonial.
@psychobunny Which Ghost theme does the NodeBB blog use? I really liked it. A customized version of the Casper theme? Obviously I would like to have this theme: D
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