Translit slug
@julian It Could Be
@sergej-saveljev said:
You can still read this.
/forum/category/134/probably-not-good-for-search-enginesDo you want to remove /forum/category/134/ from the URL?
- no.
@julian need, when create a categories and posts, translit
It can be done with iconv-lite. -
In the near future it's going to be used in nodebb-plugin-import.
Oh I see... to use Latin transliteration for the url slug.
A plugin can conceivably be written for this, expressly for Russian languages (and possibly any other languages that could benefit from this kind of service), listening for the topic creation hook, and changing the slug afterwards.
@julian Made, thank you!
But i not find topic edit method, where is he?
@julian you misunderstood me.
I added new fireHook in file ./src/topics/create.js:
Topics.create = function(data, callback) { plugins.fireHook('filter:topic.create', data, function(err, data){ if (err) { return callback(err); } var uid = data.uid, title = data.title, cid = data.cid, tags = data.tags, slugw = data.slug ? data.slug : title; db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextTid', function(err, tid) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var slug = utils.slugify(slugw), timestamp =; if (!slug.length) { return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-title]]')); } slug = tid + '/' + slug; var topicData = { 'tid': tid, 'uid': uid, 'cid': cid, 'mainPid': 0, 'title': title, 'slug': slug, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'lastposttime': 0, 'postcount': 0, 'viewcount': 0, 'locked': 0, 'deleted': 0, 'pinned': 0 }; if (data.thumb) { topicData.thumb = data.thumb; } db.setObject('topic:' + tid, topicData, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } async.parallel([ function(next) { db.sortedSetsAdd([ 'topics:tid', 'cid:' + cid + ':tids', 'cid:' + cid + ':uid:' + uid + ':tids' ], timestamp, tid, next); }, function(next) { user.addTopicIdToUser(uid, tid, timestamp, next); }, function(next) { db.incrObjectField('category:' + cid, 'topic_count', next); }, function(next) { db.incrObjectField('global', 'topicCount', next); }, function(next) { Topics.createTags(tags, tid, timestamp, next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } plugins.fireHook('', topicData); callback(null, tid); }); }); }); }); };
And in plugin used:
(function(module) { "use strict"; var mod = {}, translit = require('translitit-cyrillic-russian-to-latin'); mod.topicCreate = function(data, callback) { data.slug = translit(data.title); callback(null, data); }; module.exports = mod; }(module));
translitit-cyrillic-russian-to-latin my fork on github.
And I can not find a method of editing a topic in topics folder, to add the appropriate fireHook.
@julian yes, it PostTools.edit
In file ./src/postTools.js:
PostTools.edit = function(data, callback) { var options = data.options || {}, title = data.title.trim(); async.waterfall([ function (next) { privileges.posts.canEdit(, data.uid, next); }, function(canEdit, next) { if (!canEdit) { return next(new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]')); } posts.getPostData(, next); }, function(postData, next) { postData.content = data.content; plugins.fireHook('filter:post.edit', {post: postData, uid: data.uid}, next); } ], function(err, result) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var postData =; async.parallel({ post: function(next) { var d = { edited:, editor: data.uid, content: postData.content }; if (data.handle) { d.handle = data.handle; } posts.setPostFields(, d, next); }, topic: function(next) { var tid = postData.tid; async.parallel({ cid: function(next) { topics.getTopicField(tid, 'cid', next); }, isMain: function(next) { posts.isMain(, next); } }, function(err, results) { plugins.fireHook('filter:topic.edit', {post: postData, topic: results, title: title}, function(err, res) { if (err) { return next(err); } var postData =, results = res.topic, slug = res.slug || title; options.tags = options.tags || []; if (!results.isMain) { return next(null, { tid: tid, cid: results.cid, isMainPost: false }); } var topicData = { tid: tid, cid: results.cid, uid: postData.uid, mainPid:, title: title, slug: tid + '/' + utils.slugify(slug) }; if (options.topic_thumb) { topicData.thumb = options.topic_thumb; } db.setObject('topic:' + tid, topicData, function(err) { plugins.fireHook('action:topic.edit', topicData); }); topics.updateTags(tid, options.tags, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } topics.getTopicTagsObjects(tid, function(err, tags) { next(err, { tid: tid, cid: results.cid, uid: postData.uid, title: validator.escape(title), isMainPost: results.isMain, tags: tags }); }); }); }); }); }, postData: function(next) { cache.del(; PostTools.parsePost(postData, next); } }, function(err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } postData.cid = results.topic.cid; results.content = results.postData.content; plugins.fireHook('action:post.edit', postData); callback(null, results); }); }); };
The same method as for the creation of topics and everything is super!
node-transliteration thanks @Mega
npm install transliteration
plugin index.js:
(function(module) { "use strict"; var mod = {}, translit = require('transliteration').slugify; mod.topicCreate = function(data, callback) { data.slug = translit(data.title, {lowercase: true, separator: '_'}); callback(null, data); }; mod.topicEdit = function(data, callback) { data.slug = translit(data.title, {lowercase: true, separator: '_'}); callback(null, data); }; module.exports = mod; }(module));